What happened to all our smart leaders? They are not in the white house. They have done nothing but kill a lot of innocent people. Their small minds only think war is the only solution to any problem because they do not know how to communicate with those they don’t like. We cannot destroy all the undesirable countries who want to develop NUCLEAR WEAPONS. We need to develop a weapon that intercepts and destroys them. Those making them will be uneffective to build.

The same goes for TERRORIST. We cannot kill all of them without creating more. We need to secure of country and stay the hell out of the Middle East which pisses them off. Make it ineffective for them to even try to kill us.

The same goes for ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Dry up the source that bring them here. Greedy corporations and politicians who want donation and taxes and business who want cheap labor. Raise the minimum wage and there will be less illegals workers hired. Make it a felon to cross our borders, use false documents and make it so that babies born to illegals are not Americans citizens. In other words, enforce the law we already have.


Everyone who speaks out against Israel is not anti-semantic or against Bush is not unpatriotic, or against illegal immigration are not racists, or against the war in Iraq is not pro-terrorist or against the troops. All that is right wing rhetoric and Rush Limbaugh ranting and raving B.S. And there are as many democratic Christians as there are republican Christian. Most right wings Christians are fanatics and hypocrite who want to be hear for the loud voices against gays and abortions. "Sheep in wool clothing."