Now we have attacked there anywhere in the world that the US is not involved? We cannot by any stretch of the imagination continue this way. We cannot continue to expect the American taxpayers to foot the bill to patrol the entire planet. We can't even pay our troops their meager wages on time, but every politician has no trouble receiving his or her bloated paycheck on time. When is enough, enough? Illegals are sending $56 billion out of the country, but Americans can't find work. Illegal immigration is costing states billions, but nothing changes. A state is sued for trying to enforce federal immigration laws, but nothing happens to a state that ignores federal law and passes a guestworker amnesty. WTF! I am just so pissed off at our inability to stop the insanity. So we continue to pay American tax dollars to patrol the world and open our borders and welcome the world in at the expense of American taxpayers.... and so continues the stupidity.