I know this is getting old but I keep sending like e-mail to senators. I want to be prepared before they revive the amnesty bill again.

Today I heard Sen. Biden spewing the same old rhetoric that all pro-amnesty advocates does, "we cannot round up 20 million people, put them on busses, trains and planes and deport them." "It would cost too much." "If we did how would we look to other countries."Yes we can. It was done it 1929 and 1954 and it has been done by many other countries. When word got around that they were being deported, most left on their own. We did it them with less resources than we have now.
If we put men on the moon and in orbit we can do anything. But we cannot enforce immigration laws and build a bloody 700 mile fence.

Who built the Great Wall of China and when?

No one but no one is asking our government to round them up, put them on busses and deport them. We ARE asking that you enforce the immigration laws that you created.

If we enforce workplace laws so that employers can only hire legal workers, there would be no work for illegal workers. No jobs and they will leave on their own and they will no longer attempt to cross the border. As they leave, replace them with legal workers, those who have been waiting patiently for years to immigrate here by going by the law. We will never miss them and the economy will not fall apart.

Continue to build the fence to stop terrorist.

No amnesty of any kind ever. No earned path to citizenship for people who have no respect for our laws. Some have continued to break them for years and they should be the first to go. Amnesty will cost more than deporting them.

No guest workers program with a path to citizenship or bring their spouses which may produce an anchor baby.

Repeal the automatic birthright citizenship that anchor illegals to this country.

We have had enough of the cost of illegal immigration to the American taxpayer.

Please, no more of the "we can’t deport them."

And do not attempt to revive the amnesty bill that we killed two times. Three time and you are out.

We will shoot it down as fast as we did before.

Bill is dead. Let him rest in peace.