We as citizens who have experienced degrading quality of life, drops in property value, etc. as the effects of illegal immigration need to send bills to the Mexican Consulates demanding they pay us large amounts of money (in American Dollars) as retribution.

We should send these bills like an invoice and send them through certified mail and add that if it is not paid by a certain date it will be turned over to collections.

While Mexico isn't likely to pay these bills, it would send them a very strong message that we aren't going to let their country invade us.

We could be very creative (example)
$100- Was awoken at 2 am due to blasting Mexican Music by Mexican Illegal Aliens, felt very tired the next day, affected job

$200- Mexican Illegal Alien found urinating on yard, intoxicated at 1am, had to remove them and then clean yard.

$1000- Signs in area no longer in English, they are written for Mexican Illegal Aliens, I feel discriminated against and intimidated.