Bill Richardson On Not Supporting Gonzales' Ouster 'The only reason I'm not there is because he's Hispanic'By Digger

New Mexico Governor and presidential candidate Bill Richardson came out and stated his reasoning for why he isn't behind the ouster of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales over the lawyer firing scandal. And it's not because he doesn't think there was something illegal or unethical going on, but because Gonzales is Hispanic.

The Hill

Presidential candidate and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (D) said Monday the reason he has not called for the removal of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is that the two both have Hispanic backgrounds.

Richardson, in an interview with The Hill, said he is “pretty close” to making such a call, but added that he is reluctant to do so before Gonzales’s Senate testimony despite the high-profile involvement of New Mexico in the U.S. attorneys scandal.

“The only reason I’m not there is because he’s Hispanic, and I know him and like him,” Richardson said, adding, “It’s because he’s Hispanic. I’m honest."

It's not the first time Bill Richardson has made his racist views known.

Good to see Richardson cares about his race before the rule of law. It's also good that this is stated up front straight from the horses mouth so that all Americans can know that he is a racist before he is an American. How this guy got elected as governor is beyond me.