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  1. #1
    Senior Member PintoBean's Avatar
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    Peekskill, New York

    Bill of Rights-Article Three

    Article the third... Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Read this VERY CAREFULLY FOLKS...we have the RIGHT to petition our Government for a redress of grievances. The time for such a petition is upon us.

    Pinto Bean
    Keep the spirit of a child alive in your heart, and you can still spy the shadow of a unicorn when walking through the woods.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    was Georgia - now Arizona
    I've read it carefully and agree completely. Does anyone have a working petition, or should I try to come up with one from scratch?

    That thing from Mo Brooks would probably do for starters.

    Let's see what we can do, huh?

  3. #3
    Senior Member PintoBean's Avatar
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    Peekskill, New York

    Here is what I am thinking....

    Government’s Plan for Amnesty/Guest Worker Plan
    Petition for Redress
    For a Crime against the Legal Citizens of America

    We the legal citizens of America’s Middle Class being victims of a Holocaust visited upon us by our Government’s refusal to deal with a Tsunami of over 12 million illegal aliens do herein exercise our rights under Article Three of the Bill of Rights officially petition our government for redress.

    Specific Grievances:

    1. Our government has refused to deal with the issue of illegal aliens criminally crossing our borders for a period of over ten years, with said program growing dramatically worse during the Bush administration beginning in the year of our lord 2001.
    2. The Republican Controlled Congress and Senate have enacted laws and policy aimed at harming the earning abilities of the middle class, and in doing so, have denied us our rightful ability to accumulate and build wealth, while at the same time pandering to rich and elite corporate and private expenses at great harm to the middle class to and extent that it could lead to our demise as a class of citizens within the United States of America.
    3. The President of the United States George W. Bush has abridged and violated our rights with the cooperation of the Republican controlled Congress and Senate through passage of the Patriot Act, and unlawful spying upon innocent American citizens through the illegal use of the NSA to eavesdrop on our conversations, and intercept our emails in the supposed interest of National Security, thus violating our rights to privacy.
    4. The President of the United States, with the help of the United States Senate and Congress are refusing to enforce our current laws that would require the deportation of 12 million illegal aliens, and instead are in the process of thwarting the will of the people, and abrogating their oath of office as they attempt to change our laws rather than enforce them. Specifically, they are prepared to pass laws that would grant Amnesty to at least 12 million illegal aliens who have broken our laws by coming here without the express written permission of our federal government, broken our laws by remaining in the country, and broken our laws by working under the table in what is referred to as and underground economy in and attempt to avoid paying their taxes. Further, the President with the unlawful cooperation of the United States Congress and Senate are acting in a prejudice fashion in attempting to pass a Guest Worker Program aimed at decimating the wages of the middle class in the name of a CHEAP LABOR pool that amounts to a reintroduction of slavery within the borders of the United States of America.
    5. In a flagrant attempt to replace a democracy with a dictatorship by proxy of the wealthy and elite, the Congress and Senate of the United States have steadfastly refuse to enact serious campaign financing, lobbying and term limit reform that would return the Democracy to the people. They have wrongfully enacted laws making it all but impossible to form alternative parties, and created a system of politics that is owned by the wealthiest two percent of our nation, making our votes on election day all but meaningless.

    Though we reserve our right to address other grievances, these are the most blatant and severe, and they must be redressed in and expedient fashion if we the affected class of American citizens are going to be kept from being permanently and irretrievably harm by these nefarious and negligent acts on the part of our government and it’s president. We move this government to take the following actions to address these wrongs, and stop further harm from being visited upon the Middle Class segment of American Society.

    1. The majority of American Citizens OPPOSE Amnesty, OPPOSE a Guest Worker Program, and OPPOSE the Dream Act. Because it is the will of the people to oppose these forms of legislation, we the affected class ask as redress that any legislation passed which would include any of these options or components be declared unconstitutional and against the interests of the legal citizens of the United States of America.
    2. To protect the quality of life of LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS, and preserve our jobs at a living wage, we seek a redress that would see and immigration reform passed that included the following real steps to protect our borders, and punish those who illegally try to enter our borders.
    A) Pass legislation authorizing and funding a wall 30 foot tall and 24 foot wide along our entire Southern Border with Mexico, with a secondary fence of no less than 18 feet in height at ground level, and being submerged to a level of at least eight feet in depth. There is to be a roadway built on top of said wall with state of the art detection and surveillance equipment employed including drones, movement sensors, lasers, and manned guard towers place at half mile intervals. Said wall and fence area shall be manned with a border patrol that is no less than 120,000 AMERICAN CITIZENS in strength, said forced to be fully armed, and have orders to shoot to kill when intruders are seen trying to criminally cross our borders in and attempt to visit economic terrorism against our middle class.
    B) Create and employer investigation unit of no less than 5,000 agents to track down employers who are hiring illegal aliens. Furthermore, as a part of this legislation, hiring employers will become a felony with a minimum prison term of 15 years, and a fine of no less than 25,000 dollars per illegal alien hired.
    C) Make it a felony to cross into our country. Make it a second felony to stay in our country, and a third felony to work as and illegal alien in our country, with each felony subject to a prison term of no less than five years, and a ten thousand dollar fine.
    D) Pass legislation to fund the MASSIVE deportation of all illegal aliens who have been in our country for a period of less than 12 years. All illegal aliens currently in country shall have a grace period of six months to get their affairs in order and leave America without fear of prosecution. Those remaining shall be herded up and placed into interment centers along our Southern border until arrangements can be made to try them on various criminal charges…those opting to who have been so collected, shall have and opportunity to agree to a $10,000 fine and instant deportation in lieu of facing a jury trial that could lead to long term imprisonment.
    E) Legislation shall be passed to put and end to granting citizenship status to anchor babies born to illegal aliens. Said law shall be retroactive to January 1st, 2001.

    3. to redress our lost civil liberties, legislation shall be introduced, passed and enacted into law that revokes the Patriot Act entirely. Furthermore, a Congressional Investigation shall be commenced immediately to ascertain if the American people were lied to when Bush took us into war with Iraq, as well as the issue of spying on us without a warrant. Should said investigation conclude that the president has lied to the American people, or broken our laws as they existed when he approved the NSA spying program, articles of impeachment shall be drafted, and the president handed over to the Senate for a trial on the orders of impeachment.
    4. Comprehensive Campaign financing, lobbying and term limit reform legislation will be passed and enacted into law. All campaigns from hence forth are to be funded by the government, no politician can serve in and elected office at a federal level for a period of more than ten years, or combined elected offices for a period of twelve years. Further, legislation shall be passed that outlaws all local, state and federal laws on the books that interfere and limit the abilities to form alternative political parties.

    This document Respectfully Submitted to the President of the United States and members of both houses of our Congress by members of the American Middle Class as is witnessed by their legal signatures below.
    Keep the spirit of a child alive in your heart, and you can still spy the shadow of a unicorn when walking through the woods.

  4. #4
    Senior Member PintoBean's Avatar
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    Peekskill, New York
    I just posted one I wrote from scratch...let me know what you think.
    Keep the spirit of a child alive in your heart, and you can still spy the shadow of a unicorn when walking through the woods.

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