Yesterday, on the way to an appointment, I was flipping through the radio's AM stations and found a local station where John Watson (AM NewsTalk) was conducting a phone interview with Minutemen member Carmen Mercer.

The main focus of the conversation, when I tuned in anyway, was the fence the Minutemen will begin building this weekend on private property along the border. Though I had never heard of this Watson guy before, the way he was grilling her (demanding to know what she thought should be done with the illegals already here and such) it seemed apparent, which he later confirmed, that he prefered a guest-worker program.

But it was the phone calls, when they began taking them, that truly restored my faith, fully, in the American people. Caller after caller expressed support, and deep gratitude, for what the Minutemen are doing, while condemning our government for allowing this insanity to continue. On several occasions the perplexed Watson urged people who opposed the Minutemen to PLEASE call in and have their voices heard. Though I missed about 10 minutes of the program due to my brief appointment, I sure didnt hear any takers!

The best part? Twice Watson admitted that the switchboards were extremely busy with people that were more interested in donating money to the cause, than waiting on hold to express their views..and Carmen was asked, repeatedly, to spell out the Minutemen website.
