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  1. #31
    Senior Member bigtex's Avatar
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    Re: Blame the world's problems on racist white people

    Quote Originally Posted by ALIPAC

    Over at Youtube on this video, many posters are blaming racist whites for the MS-13 graffiti. Just like the Jews were blamed for all ills by the Reich, so is the liberal mindset that blames white racism for every problem.

    Instead of being concerned about a violent group in America that targets blacks and white over race, the concern is that racist whites did this too!

    Look at these posts!

    I hate to rain on these idiots parade but being white and living in a city where white are a minority, I have never seen such racism as I have seen out of Hispanics who live in Houston.
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    The Sons of the Republic of Texas

  2. #32

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    Quote Originally Posted by miguelina
    Quote Originally Posted by totallybeachin
    IMO, the government uses the term "white" so as not to cause alarm that the "white race" is actually becomeing a minority. I may be wrong, but look at the numbers.
    I would also like to add that in law enforcement, being listed as a "wanted" person through the national database (NCIC), you basically have to fill in a form on a computer. You have to select from drop down menus and can not use terms or codes that are not recognized by the system. There is no special code for someone that is hispanic, they have to be listed as "white". If you think about this, If you are a police officer on patrol, and you get a BOLO (be on the lookout) for a "white male, dark hair, blah, blah blah, are you even going to look twice at a hispanic?
    Just a thought.
    You would be looking for a male with dark hair, white skin color does not mean chalk white. There are different shades of white, tan happens to be one of them.

    How would you describe Calderon? Fox? Reagan? They are all white men with dark hair.

    Look at Italian, Portugese, some Arab males. Let's say they all have dark hair. They are all tan. How different do they look from hispanic males? They all share the same characteristic. Watch a spanish channel on TV and tell me what you see.
    I am sorry if I chose the wrong words to make my point. I understand that white does not mean chalk white, but call me ignorant, I don't care, white to me means Eurpoean, not hispanic and if I am looking for a white male, then I am looking for just that. A WHITE male, not a bronze person of hispanic descent. And many people can and will have something to say about this, but I know I am not the only one that thinks this way. Now that does not mean I am right or wrong, and it does not mean I am a racist either. I am just lazy I guess. But since I am not the only one who thinks like this, the government should allow the term hispanic to be recognized by these computer systems ( NCIC and DCI or whatever it may be called in your state).

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhredE
    The real question in all this is:

    Is a person here legally via the correct procedures and methods, or are they not. That is the issue. And, yes, due to sheer physical proximity and demographics it is an undeniable fact that most of the illegal people in the US ARE from Central and South America. And, of course, most of those people that happened to cross our borders ARE given the demographic label as being 'Hispanic'. "That's just the way it is" to quote US Rep. Ted Poe.

    I think that differences in language and culture are the sensitive points that people align against and then later use that frustration to bring in the less pertinent aspects of the issue (race, ethnicity, etc). Had the IAs wandering in already been fluent in English and able to assimilate much better I don't think the problem would be nearly as pronounced as it is now... (just my opinion, very subjective, real 'facts' to back it up...)

    My answer to all the above is, "Ok, so what?" It comes back to status (and methods).

    Of course, an approximate 40% of persons illegally in the US are visa overstays. While border crossers get a lot of attention (rightfully deserved of course), this secondary group does not. For some strange reason, they are not given nearly the scrutiny that border crossers get - yet, they can present an equal if not greater danger to the country than a typical border crosser. That secondary group is a much more diverse group which is comprised of people from all over the world basically.
    Phred...I wonder if ANYONE from central and southern Mexico (not to mention Central America)) has come here legally in the past 10 years. My guess would be "No"! The problem with Mexico is that at least 60% of the population is the mirror image of what we are looking at every day in our own cities....uneducated, non-English speaking, unskilled, etc. There is no way they could come here legally if we followed strict guidelines. But this is why we are having a White/Brown problem. It's the third worlding of America.

    Last night I just happened to hear Romney talking about illegal immigration. He said he is adamantly against it; but his solution is for them to leave and come back legally. He didn't elaborate like Huckabee (they should all go back to Mexico for a few days and touch back, etc.), but this is not the solution. We would just be re-importing the same 38M that we already have!

    We can't continue to import poverty and crime for the pleasure of corporate America! It's more than a race's the third worlding of America. If Amnesty rears it's ugly head again next year, we will end up with a permanent underclass and Americans marching in the streets. But it will be too late!

  4. #34
    GRITS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BearFlagRepublic
    Quote Originally Posted by Balboa
    Quote Originally Posted by GRITS
    Quote Originally Posted by Balboa
    Quote Originally Posted by miguelina
    I laugh when I hear this, as hispanic is NOT a race, we are WHITE.
    I don't care what color you are, if you're illegal, GET OUT!

    In the words of the memorable Forest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does"
    Don't really want to argue,but since when are hispanics white?? You are mistaken.
    Hispanics are listed as whites thru federal and state.. such as law enforcement bookings, etc...
    WoW!! I have been schooled.
    Well, some hispanics are white. Forget the government figures, they are talking about people in this nation derived from Latin America -- mostly non-white. But hispanics can be white, Indian, mestizo, or black. Most from Mexico or Central America are mestizos or Indians. Many from Argentina or Chile are white. Some from the Caribean are black.

    Bottum line: Hispanic is not a race. It is a linguistic, cultural, regional term.
    Thank You BFR! I was on sorta on the right track... You are just more eloquent than I!
    If you can read this, thank a teacher.
    If you can read this in English, thank a soldier.

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