One of the things I hear most often from the pro-illegal side is that if we don't support illegal aliens or immigration reform we are racist or bigots or both. Exactly what the differences are between both words that are thrown carelessly around by the pro-amnesty pro-illegal group. One thing I am sure of, it is used way to often and has become words that have lost any of their true meaning or value. Or it could be that I have developed thick skin over the years because I have heard it used so much by all the minority groups.

What does a minority substitute the words with when they run across somebody who is against an issue and who is legally blind or legally color blind? It seems that when these words of racist or bigots are thrown about it is usually in reference to the color of a person skin as a basis of their allegations.

Why do groups subvert themselves to using their race as a claim of defense against somebody who opposes their viewpoints? I do not see the value behind it so it leads me to believe it is because of their own ignorance on how to intelligently defend their views on a particular issue.

Groups who use these words so carelessly to defend their position just end up causing the words to have no value with the person they are debating the issue with. An illegal alien is not just a brown skin issue, it is a dark skin, white skin, and if we had a culture on this planet who had blue skin, it would be an issue with that skin tone as well.

So, if I were blind or color blind then what arguement would a person have if I announced I opposed illegal aliens living in the US or I opposed a federal amnesty program and they supported those issues?

Am I still racist or still a bigot? The next time somebody calls me a racist because I happen to oppose illegal aliens or amnesty programs I am going to see what arguement comes up next when I tell a little lie and say that I am color blind so I can not distinquish brown from white or black. It would be interesting to see what the back-up allegation would be? I am racist because they have an accent? I am racist because they like a particular food group?

Maybe to not be called a racist or bigot I will need to be blind, deaf, no sense of smell or taste, and maybe a mute thrown in to ensure I can not be classified a racist because I disagree with a viewpoint of a pro-amnesty pro-illegal alien person.

The words get used so often anymore that I think most of us who oppose immigration reform (amnesty) and oppose having illegal aliens illegally in our country are numb to these words as our skin has grown thick over the years as many minorities have used these words to attempt to shut down any debate that is not in their favor on the issue.

Illegal is not about skin tone or country of origin, it is about being here illegally and the effects it has on our contry. Its that simple. Now, if you want to have an intelligent debate with me, leave the words racist and bigot at home and lets have a debate about the pro's and con's on immigration reform and the excessive population of illegal aliens in our country. Otherwise, just shut the hell up because you have used these two words up and they have no value with me!!!