everyone says the United States consumes more gasoline than any other country and our demand is higher than our supply -- there is a solution

Dear President Bush and Congress:

We the legal citizens of the United States have implemented a plan to lower gas consumption by the 'people' of the United States.

At the present time, there are approximately 15-20 million illegal non-citizens of the United States demanding fuel which in turn reflects a false claim that "WE" the people of the United States consume more fuel than any other country.

The solution to this crisis is simple, we lower the demand of fuel products of the United States by eliminating the illegal non-citizens -- our demand is then reduced by approximately 15-20 million.

We the people have killed two birds with one stone -- immigration and the fuel crisis, in addition to eliminating the overcrowding of our schools, highways and public transportation.

with a K.I.S.S. -- keep it simple stupid