I go to other sites ,gardening ,farming . I also go out in public to take care of business and shopping .

I have noticed that most Americans are kissing $$$ to people who not only insult their nation but right on down to the damn emperial measurement systems .

We apologize to people for insulting us . Like some kind of twi light zone or place of the terminally dumbed down .

I saw this twice today on a farm & garden site forum about chickens . Same with health forums .

If anyone speaks up the others will side with the liberals or immigrants who insult the heck out of them and everything their God, country and family stood for .

I say what I think ,next thing you know I'm an out cast . PC is not the American way folks .

The perverts and other deviates took away my tv and most movies . the big mouth illegals and other pushy non assimilating immigrants took away my freedom to first world medical care, now the web isn't even safe .

This is bad for my health ,my BP went to the moon today . Guess I'll just have to hide inside what use to be a great nation with morals and honor . Not perfect ,but better than the rest .

I need to go hug my chickens I guess . Since we are both penned off from the rest of the world .