Quote Originally Posted by nntrixie
....individuals are sending back millions and millions of dollars. These are going to families who are using it to build homes, buy things. Why isn't this adding to the economy. I think it is.
I just heard on the radio the other morning, that money sent to Mexico by illegals accounts for 2% of Mexico's overall economy, and considering their wealth, that's actually quite alot.

Quote Originally Posted by SOSADFORUS
...the problem is all of the wealth is in the top 1% and they don't give a damn about the rest of the country!
That sounds eerily familiar

Quote Originally Posted by April
It never fails to amaze me how many illegals are willing to risk death to cross into this country illegally.
Do you think Mexico's government, like our own, hides these facts just to keep from discouraging their attempts? I know about the papmhlets they produce to aid in their border crossing, but maybe they hide the actual statistics. Computers are scarce, I think, so info is greatly limited?
I communicate with a group of Mexican wives that are fighting to bring their husbands home.
I've told them in the past not to expect many of them home any time soon since they most likely have new "wives" and children here now, but I'll be more than glad to help in the search
I think it's about time to let them know they should be arriving home any time now