Local AM radio interviewed one of the Minutemen higher-ups. The spokesgringo mentioned the huge number of Americans killed by illegals yearly... via murder, car wrecks, etc. The Minuteman stated that exact figures are impossible to determine but that a round figure of 10,000 yearly is a creditable number.

The radio show interviewer expressed shock and doubted the figure. Rebutting, the Minuteman told of how often the media fails to mention that an illegal was the cause of the death and that there is no existing organization or governmental bureaucracy to garner the data.

I would not be surprised at the figure. I have been collecting news stories about illegals killing/murdering citizens and placing those stories in a binder that I take to rallies, places I speak etc. In a couple hours work I copied and printed enough stories to pert' near fill a BIG 3-inch binder. And, most of the stories were the well-known ones.

As I dig deeper into the Web, searching on-line media archives, I am finding the less known stories. There are soooooo many and...... who knows how many are not archived and thus unavailable for discovery?

Around 5 or 6 years ago an illegal working at a local Omaha restaurant left work then returned.... waiting for the restaurant to close. When the female manager left after closing, carrying the night's income to plop into the bank's drop-off box, the illegal stabbed her repeatedly then drove over her with his car. Yes, she died.... in pain, in terror, bleeding her life's blood onto the lonely cold asphalt of the parking lot.

But, I can not find that news story anywhere. How many other news stories are unavailable that tell of the horrors committed by the rampaging illegals?

Yet, so many politicians want to embrace those people.