We have a mind full of political puzzles, regarding which person should we pick for the Oval Office? McCain got washed off the map, once he signed on with Ted Kennedy and the rest of the (OBL) Open border lobby.
Prior New York major Guiliani, is been suspected of allowing his city to gain the notariety for a Sanctuary for illegal aliens. New Mexico's Gov. Richardson, certainly cannot be trusted, for he like New Yorks current Governor Spitzer issued drivers licenses to foreign nationals. Even today this mandate has not been withdrawn. Hillary has played into pandering to the millions of illegal aliens, as have all the Democrats.

According to www.numbersusa, they has endorsed Mike Huckabee; by far not perfect, because he admitted illegal alien children into his state when he was Governor. Howver, he seems "SEEMS" to have the best immigration grades out of the whole presidential ticket?

Today the President of Border controversial "Minuteman" Gilchrist also sent a salvo of shock through the advocate lines. Standing beside Mr. Huck, he also gave his endorsement for the rush to reach the White House?

Unless something unforeseen happen, like some powerful Democrat decides to commit himself to honor his oath to the American citizens and legal residents.

The opening 3 words of the great American document, the U.S. Constitution states WE THE PEOPLE............!

Not the corporate cartels?
Not the strange extremist groups like, "La Raza" who unknowing taxpayers subsidise?

Not the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has taken on the ominious identity of the ACLU

Certainly not the globalist, open-border, free traders, who care for nothing--- but profit! These cold-hearted profiteers, who do not live in the real world. They are the ones whose agenda is to force on to the American citizens, the free-flow of cheap labor!

So my friends, who do us activists vote for...............??

Will people in Iowa vote for the Universal Healthcare personage?

Will the voters in New Hampshire demand the Prez. contender withdraw from Iraq?

Michigan taxpayers may decide on a FLAT TAX?

At the ballot box, Nevada voters might decide want to keep their guns?

The people of Florida might consider same-sex marriage?

Perhaps the folks in New Jersey might vote against nuclear power stations

Then their is California... who knows............?

Personally, I think that we will be in for some shock therapy in Iowa? What I have heard, along the grapevine, that political stumpers can't even take a breath, without some individual bombarding them with a question about the illegal immigration occupation?