I know it is only my oppinion but my though on the matter is that All Senators and Congressman do not have to return to thier offices after thier 2 week spring break. Why you might ask? Because as of right now For thier lack of commited service to the Legal Citizens of this Great country I have Fired them. Yep they are all fired they should only return to thier offices to pick up personal belongings left behind when they failed to uphold thier sworn positions and enforce the Laws on the Books instead of trying to pass through a touchy feely new set that would allow 11 millions Federal Law breakers to keep sucking Our country and my pockets dry. I know I am only one voice in this matter but I believe if more Legal Citizens agree with me and just sent a letter of thier loss of position and employment to thier Congressman and Senators then maybe they ( Congressman and Senators ) would have a light go on in the dark empty cavern of thier heads.. In a sense yes I'm real happy they screwed up so bad that a bill could not go through. Now they can have a bill with just one line on it. Complete and Total closing of Our Countries Borders Security First, Taking names and Kicking the Illegals butts out later.. By the end of thier spring break because of thier attempts to allow Illegals in and to stay there will be at least 500000 additional Illegals when they return. So as I have Stated Senators and Congressman You are ALL FIRED. Do not expect a good reccomendation to you next employer.