After Hurricane Katrina, the government created some nice tax write offs for those willing to help out with financial donations. A big deal was made of Clinton and Bush Senior stepping in to raise funds for the victims of this tragic event.

Well, for those of you who wonder just how SLEEZY the Bush clan is, I think you will find this small article answer the question once and for all...imagine getting a TAX DEDUCTION for donating to your son's business!

Barbara Bush earmarked Katrina donation for son Neil's company

March 24, 2006 3:01 PM
HOUSTON Former first lady Barbara Bush is helping her son by helping Hurricane Katrina evacuees.

She gave an undisclosed sum to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, but only if it's used to buy educational software from her son Neil's company.

The Houston Chronicle reports the Ignite Learning program has been given to eight public schools with high numbers of Katrina refugees since Mrs. Bush's gift.

Former President Bush's chief of staff says Barbara Bush "wanted to do something specifically for education" and for the new students in Houston schools. Jean Becker says Mrs. Bush supports her son and has genuine enthusiasm for his company's program."

Neil Bush founded the Austin-based company in 1999.