I thought Bush was supposed to be the President of The United States of America. Today in his speech he mentioned Iraq this or Iraqi that over 125 times, but not once did I see where he mentioned the American people, let alone the American middle class. He seems to be more concerned for the safety, security and democracy of Iraqis than he does for Americans. He keeps talking about the "will of the people" of Iraq, how important their voice and concerns are, how about the will of the American people? Every poll and survey shows by a vast majority, that we want the borders secured, illegal immigration stopped and illegals deported. But I guess "our will" and "our voice" makes no difference to him, he just plans to do what he wants, namely giving amnesty to the masses of illegal aliens invading our country. I am so sick of hearing him talking about the democracy, safety and security of Iraq, I don't live in Iraq, all the while we are being invaded by a hostile country, Mexico, putting every American at risk.