Fighting to enforce illegal immigration laws
Letters to the editor for Saturday, Dec. 1, 2007
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I salute Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor for his rebuttal in support of Immigration and Customs Enforcement against an article that appeared in the O.C. Register, "Nabbing immigrants, not so many felons" ["Costa Mesa and ICE enforcement" [Commentary, Nov. 25]. It seems liberal press members of The O.C. Register don't seem to care if someone resides in the United States as undocumented and illegal. Those who think this way as press members should perhaps leave this country and try being press members in Third World countries where the government controls First Amendment rights.

If you read carefully Mansoor's comments in his rebuttal, he indicated deportation is being focused on only those who have committed felony crimes. He does not indicate other undocumented illegals are the focus of this program sponsored by ICE since ICE has outlined what the focus of this program would or would not do.

Perhaps in the future ICE too, will also understand the true meaning of undocumented and illegal before a terrorist sneaks into the USA and causes people to die.

–Michael E. Banyacki of Mission Viejo

In his reader rebuttal, "Costa Mesa and ICE enforcement" [Nov. 25], Costa Mayor Allan Mansoor calmly and eloquently articulates his position regarding the handling of illegal aliens in our city. On behalf of myself and the majority (as attested to by your overwhelming re-election numbers) of the citizens of Costa Mesa, I want to thank you, Mr. Mayor, for putting into words exactly how we feel.

With regard to the response of Gilbert Sanchez to the Mansoor's rebuttal [Letters, Nov. 28], I suggest that Sanchez direct his attention to his own backyard and not be so concerned about mine. Perhaps a program such as ours would be of benefit to Santa Ana and its illegal alien-related problems by improving the quality of life for its law-abiding citizens.

–Rick Reyno of Costa Mesa

Mayor Allan Mansoor is right in his article, "Costa Mesa and ICE enforcement" [Commentary, Nov. 25], Americans are in danger even when all they do is cross the street. The driving habits have changed in Costa Mesa. I was recently there and almost in a collision merging into stopped traffic, when a pickup truck came speeding down the empty lane I was entering, blaring his horn. It is difficult not to profile the driver, but he was not white or Black.

Steve Taylorof Laguna Hills ... soor-mayor