This is a good thing for now...I'm sure it will soon raise it's ugly head again next year as long as Gil Cedillo is alive.

Driver's license bill SB 1160 appears dead for this year

Thank you for your help and persistence!

Fearing the wrath of voters, California Assembly Democrats shelved SB 1160, which would give driver's licenses to illegal aliens. Interestingly, they essentially admitted that was the reason when they let the bill die in the Appropriations Committee.

While we haven't yet convinced all politicians to oppose this ridiculous idea, your faxes and emails have scared them away from passing it in an election year. Keep up the good work!

The bill is dead but not buried. For the legislation to be resurrected this year, the Appropriations Committee would have to meet again and that would require a two-thirds vote of the Assembly. The bill's sponsor, Sen. Gil Cedillo, unsuccessful in this quest for eight consecutive years, has vowed to keep trying.