California State Senate Call Alert

This is an urgent call alert!

S.B. 242 is a bill that amends California's civil rights laws to make language a protected civil right like national origin, sex, and race. Introduced by State Senator Leland Yee (D- the bill threatens to unleash a food of civil rights lawsuits against private and parochial schools, professional associations, community organizations as well as individuals and employers who "discriminate" by failing to accommodate other languages.

S.B. 242 can be taken up for a vote in the full Senate as early as TODAY!

We need your help! Please call your state senator from the list below and urge them to VOTE NO on S.B. 242. Please TAKE ACTION NOW. Having your language accommodated is NOT civil right. PLEASE CALL NOW.

Aanestad, Sam (R-4) (916) 651-4004
Alquist, Elaine (D-13) (916) 651-4013
Ashburn, Roy (R-1 (916) 651-4018
Benoit, John J (R-37) (916) 651-4037
Calderon, Ron (D-30) (916) 651-4030
Cedillo, Gilbert (D-22) (916) 651-4022
Cogdill, Dave (R-14) (916) 651-4014
Corbett, Ellen (D-10) (916) 651-4010
Correa, Lou (D-34) (916) 651-4034
Cox, Dave (R-1) (916) 651-4001
Denham, Jeff (R-12) (916) 651-4012
DeSaulnier, Mark (D-7) (916)651-4007
Ducheny, Denise (D-40) (916) 651-4040
Dutton, Robert D. (R-31) (916) 651-4031
Florez, Dean (D-16) (916) 651-4016
Hancock, Loni (D-9) (916) 651-4009
Harman, Tom (R-35) (916) 651-4035
Hollingsworth, Dennis (R-36)(916) 651-4036
Huff, Bob (R-29) (916) 651-4029
Kehoe, Christine (D-39) (916) 651-4039
Leno, Mark (D-3) (916) 651-4003
Liu, Carol (D-21) (916) 651-4021
Lowenthal, Alan S. (D-27) (916) 651-4027
Maldonado, Abel (R-15) (916) 651-4015
McLeod, Gloria (D-32) (916) 651-4032
Oropeza, Jenny (D-2 (916) 651-4028
Padilla, Alex (D-20) (916) 651-4020
Pavley, Fran (D-23) (916) 651-4023
Romero, Gloria (D-24) (916) 651-4024
Runner, George (R-17) (916) 651-4017
Simitian, Joe (D-11) (916) 651-4011
Steinberg, Darrell (D-6) (916)-651-4006
Strickland, Tony (R-19) (916) 651-4019
Walters, Mimi (R-33) (916) 651-4033
Wiggins, Patricia (D-2) (916) 651-4002
Wolk, Lois (D-5) (916) 651-4005
Wright, Roderick (D-25) (916) 651-4025
Wyland, Mark (R-3 (916) 651-4038
Yee, Leland (D- (916) 651-4008

Here are some points to make when you call (remember it doesn't take many calls to get a state senator's attention):

1. I am calling to urge you to vote "NO" on S.B. 242 that would make a person's language a protected civil right like race, national origin and sex.
2. Unlike sex, race, and national origin, language is a CHOICE and should not be transformed into a RIGHT that can be imposed on employers or anyone else under our civil rights laws.
3. This bill violates the freedom of speech guarantees in our state constitution.
4. S.B. 242 will open up Pandora's Box of litigation against private entities of all kinds and give employers one more reason to leave California.
5. Please urge your colleagues to vote NO on S.B. 242!

Please act today!