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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    North Carolina

    CAGW - Who in the House will let us see their earmarks?

    Note - David Price refused, Tom Tancredo, Ted Poe, Duncan Hunter, Brian Bilbray said Yes

    Citizens Against Government Waste - Asks House Members to Disclose Their Earmark Requests ... 2007_House

    2007 Earmark Requests


    On Friday, April 27, all representatives were required to submit their final requests for earmarks to the House Appropriations Committee. On behalf of the taxpayers who will pay for these projects, and in the name of transparency and accountability in government, CAGW is asking all members of Congress to make their requests available to the public.

    Citizens Against Government Waste encourages taxpayers around the country to ask their representatives to publish their list of earmark requests. A list of who has and has not done so is published below:

    Last update: 6/29/07

    Abercrombie, Neil (D-HI, 1st)

    Ackerman, Gary L. (D-NY, 5th)

    Aderholt, Robert B. (R-AL, 4th) NO

    Akin, W. Todd (R-MO, 2nd)

    Alexander, Rodney M. (R-LA, 5th)

    Allen, Thomas H. (D-ME, 1st)

    Altmire, Jason (D-PA, 4th)

    Andrews, Robert E. (D-NJ, 1st) YES

    Arcuri, Michael A. (D-NY, 24th)

    Baca, Joe (D-CA, 43rd)

    Bachmann, Michele (R-MN, 6th)

    Bachus, Spencer (R-AL, 6th)

    Baird, Brian (D-WA, 3rd)

    Baker, Richard (R-LA, 6th)

    Baldwin, Tammy (D-WI, 2nd) NO

    Barrett, J. Gresham (R-SC, 3rd) NO

    Barrow, John (D-GA, 12th) NO

    Bartlett, Roscoe G. (R-MD, 6th) YES defense, nondefense

    Barton, Joe (R-TX, 6th) NO

    Bean, Melissa (D-IL, 8th)

    Becerra, Xavier (D-CA, 31st)

    Berkley, Shelley (D-NV, 1st)

    Berman, Howard L. (D-CA, 28th)

    Berry, Marion (D-AR, 1st)

    Biggert, Judy (R-IL, 13th)

    Bilbray, Brian P. (R-CA, 50th) YES

    Bilirakis, Gus Michael (R-FL, 9th) YES .pdf list

    Bishop, Rob (R-UT, 1st)

    Bishop, Sanford D. Jr. (D-GA, 2nd) NO

    Bishop, Timothy (D-NY, 1st)

    Blackburn, Marsha W. (R-TN, 7th) NO

    Blumenauer, Earl (D-OR, 3rd)

    Blunt, Roy (R-MO, 7th) NO

    Boehner, John A. (R-OH, 8th) Did not request earmarks

    Bonner, Jo (R-AL, 1st)

    Bono, Mary (R-CA, 45th)

    Boozman, John (R-AR, 3rd)

    Boren, David Daniel (D-OK, 2nd)

    Boswell, Leonard L. (D-IA, 3rd)

    Boucher, Rick (D-VA, 9th)

    Boustany, Charles W. (R-LA, 7th)

    Boyd, Allen (D-FL, 2nd)

    Boyda, Nancy (D-KS, 2nd) YES

    Brady, Kevin (R-TX, 8th) YES

    Brady, Robert A. (D-PA, 1st) NO

    Braley, Bruce (D-IA, 1st)

    Brown, Corrine (D-FL, 3rd)

    Brown, Henry (R-SC, 1st)

    Brown-Waite, Ginny (R-FL, 5th) NO statement

    Buchanan, Vern (R-FL, 13th)

    Burgess, Michael C. (R-TX, 26th) YES

    Burton, Dan (R-IN, 5th) NO

    Butterfield, G. K. Jr. (D-NC, 1st) NO

    Buyer, Steve (R-IN, 4th) NO

    Calvert, Ken (R-CA, 44th)

    Camp, Dave (R-MI, 4th)

    Campbell, John (R-CA, 48th) YES

    Cannon, Chris (R-UT, 3rd)

    Cantor, Eric I. (R-VA, 7th)

    Capito, Shelley Moore (R-WV, 2nd) YES

    Capps, Lois (D-CA, 23rd)

    Capuano, Michael E. (D-MA, 8th)

    Cardoza, Dennis (D-CA, 18th) NO

    Carnahan, Russ (D-MO, 3rd)

    Carney, Chris (D-PA, 10th)

    Carson, Julia M. (D-IN, 7th) NO

    Carter, John R. (R-TX, 31st)

    Castle, Michael N. (R-DE, At Large) NO

    Castor, Kathy (D-FL, 11th) YES .xls list

    Chabot, Steve (R-OH, 1st)

    Chandler, Ben (D-KY, 6th)

    Clarke, Yvette D. (D-NY, 11th)

    Clay, William Lacy (D-MO, 1st)

    Cleaver, Emanuel (D-MO, 5th) YES

    Clyburn, James E. (D-SC, 6th)

    Coble, Howard (R-NC, 6th) NO

    Cohen, Stephen I. (D-TN, 9th) NO

    Cole, Tom (R-OK, 4th) NO

    Conaway, K. Michael (R-TX, 11th)

    Conyers, John Jr. (D-MI, 14th)

    Cooper, Jim (D-TN, 5th) YES .doc

    Costa, Jim (D-CA, 20th)

    Costello, Jerry F. (D-IL, 12th)

    Courtney, Joseph D. (D-CT, 2nd)

    Cramer, Bud (D-AL, 5th)

    Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL, 4th)

    Crowley, Joseph (D-NY, 7th)

    Cubin, Barbara (R-WY, At Large) YES

    Cuellar, Henry (D-TX, 28th) NO

    Culberson, John (R-TX, 7th) YES

    Cummings, Elijah E. (D-MD, 7th)

    Davis, Artur (D-AL, 7th)

    Davis, Danny K. (D-IL, 7th)

    Davis, David (R-TN, 1st) NO

    Davis, Geoff (R-KY, 4th)

    Davis, Jo Ann S. (R-VA, 1st)

    Davis, Lincoln (D-TN, 4th) YES

    Davis, Susan A. (D-CA, 53rd) YES

    Davis, Tom (R-VA, 11th)

    Deal, Nathan (R-GA, 10th)

    DeFazio, Peter A. (D-OR, 4th)

    DeGette, Diana (D-CO, 1st)

    Delahunt, William D. (D-MA, 10th)

    DeLauro, Rosa (D-CT, 3rd)

    Dent, Charles W. (R-PA, 15th) YES

    Diaz-Balart, Lincoln (R-FL, 21st)

    Diaz-Balart, Mario (R-FL, 25th)

    Dicks, Norman D. (D-WA, 6th)

    Dingell, John D. (D-MI, 15th)

    Doggett, Lloyd (D-TX, 25th)

    Donnelly, Joe (D-IN, 2nd) NO

    Doolittle, John T. (R-CA, 4th)

    Doyle, Mike (D-PA, 14th)

    Drake, Thelma (R-VA, 2nd)

    Dreier, David (R-CA, 26th)

    Duncan, John J. Jr. (R-TN, 2nd) NO

    Edwards, Chet (D-TX, 17th)

    Ehlers, Vernon J. (R-MI, 3rd)

    Ellison, Keith (DFL-MN, 5th)

    Ellsworth, Brad (D-IN, 8th) NO

    Emanuel, Rahm (D-IL, 5th) YES

    Emerson, Jo Ann (R-MO, 8th)

    Engel, Eliot L. (D-NY, 17th) NO

    English, Phil (R-PA, 3rd)

    Eshoo, Anna G. (D-CA, 14th)

    Etheridge, Bob (D-NC, 2nd) NO

    Everett, Terry (R-AL, 2nd)

    Fallin, Mary (R-OK, 5th)

    Farr, Sam (D-CA, 17th)

    Fattah, Chaka (D-PA, 2nd) NO

    Feeney, Tom C. III (R-FL, 24th) YES

    Ferguson, Mike (R-NJ, 7th)

    Filner, Bob (D-CA, 51st)

    Flake, Jeff (R-AZ, 6th) Did not request earmarks

    Forbes, J. Randy (R-VA, 4th) NO

    Fortenberry, Jeff (R-NE, 1st)

    Fortuño, Luis (R-PR) NO

    Fossella, Vito J. (R-NY, 13th) Did not request earmarks

    Foxx, Virginia (R-NC, 5th) NO

    Frank, Barney (D-MA, 4th)

    Franks, Trent (R-AZ, 2nd)

    Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ, 11th)

    Gallegly, Elton (R-CA, 24th)

    Garrett, Scott (R-NJ, 5th)

    Gerlach, Jim (R-PA, 6th)

    Giffords, Gabrielle (D-AZ, 8th)

    Gilchrest, Wayne T. (R-MD, 1st)

    Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (D-NY, 20th) YES

    Gillmor, Paul E. (R-OH, 5th)

    Gingrey, Phil (R-GA, 11th)

    Gohmert, Louie (R-TX, 1st) YES

    Gonzalez, Charles A. (D-TX, 20th)

    Goode, Virgil H. Jr. (R-VA, 5th)

    Goodlatte, Robert W. "Bob" (R-VA, 6th)

    Gordon, Bart (D-TN, 6th) NO

    Granger, Kay (R-TX, 12th)

    Graves, Sam (R-MO, 6th)

    Green, Al (D-TX, 9th)

    Green, Gene (D-TX, 29th) YES

    Grijalva, Raul M. (D-AZ, 7th)

    Gutierrez, Luis V. (D-IL, 4th) NO

    Hall, John (D-NY, 19th) NO

    Hall, Ralph M. (R-TX, 4th)

    Hare, Phillip G. (D-IL, 17th)

    Harman, Jane (D-CA, 36th)

    Hastert, J. Dennis (R-IL, 14th)

    Hastings, Alcee L. (D-FL, 23rd)

    Hastings, Doc (R-WA, 4th)

    Hayes, Robin (R-NC, 8th) NO

    Heller, Dean (R-NV, 2nd)

    Hensarling, Jeb (R-TX, 5th) Did not request earmarks

    Herger, Wally (R-CA, 2nd) YES

    Herseth, Stephanie (D-SD, At Large)

    Higgins, Brian M. (D-NY, 27th) NO

    Hill, Baron P. (D-IN, 9th) NO

    Hinchey, Maurice D. (D-NY, 22nd) NO

    Hinojosa, Rubén (D-TX, 15th)

    Hirono, Mazie K. (D-HI, 2nd)

    Hobson, David L. (R-OH, 7th)

    Hodes, Paul W. (D-NH, 2nd) NO

    Hoekstra, Peter (R-MI, 2nd)

    Holden, Tim ( D-PA, 17th)

    Holt, Rush (D-NJ, 12th)

    Honda, Michael M. (D-CA, 15th)

    Hooley, Darlene (D-OR, 5th)

    Hoyer, Steny H. (D-MD, 5th)

    Hulshof, Kenny (R-MO, 9th) NO

    Hunter, Duncan L. (R-CA, 52nd) YES

    Inglis, Robert D. "Bob" (R-SC, 4th) YES

    Inslee, Jay (D-WA, 1st) NO

    Israel, Steve (D-NY, 2nd)

    Issa, Darrell (R-CA, 49th) YES

    Jackson, Jesse Jr. (D-IL, 2nd)

    Jackson-Lee, Sheila (D-TX, 18th)

    Jefferson, William J. (D-LA, 2nd) NO

    Jindal, Bobby (R-LA, 1st)

    Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D-TX, 30th)

    Johnson, Henry C. (D-GA, 4th) NO

    Johnson, Sam (R-TX, 3rd) YES

    Johnson, Timothy V. (R-IL, 15th)

    Jones, Stephanie Tubbs (D-OH, 11th) NO

    Jones, Walter B. (R-NC, 3rd) NO

    Jordan, James D. (R-OH, 4th)

    Kagen, Steven L. (R-WI, 8th) NO

    Kanjorski, Paul E. (D-PA, 11th)

    Kaptur, Marcy (D-OH, 9th)

    Keller, Ric (R-FL, 8th)

    Kennedy, Patrick (D-RI, 1st)

    Kildee, Dale E. (D-MI, 5th)

    Kilpatrick, Carolyn Cheeks (D-MI, 13th)

    Kind, Ron (D-WI, 3rd) NO

    King, Peter T. (R-NY, 3rd)

    King, Steve (R-IA, 5th)

    Kingston, Jack (R-GA, 1st)

    Kirk, Mark Steven (R-IL, 10th)

    Klein, Ron (D-FL, 22nd)

    Kline, John P. (R-MN, 2nd)

    Knollenberg, Joe (R-MI, 9th)

    Kucinich, Dennis J. (D-OH, 10th)

    Kuhl, John R. Jr. (R-NY, 29th)

    LaHood, Ray (R-IL, 18th)

    Lamborn, Douglas L. (R-CO, 5th)

    Lampson, Nicholas V. (D-TX, 22nd)

    Langevin, Jim (D-RI, 2nd)

    Lantos, Tom (D-CA, 12th)

    Larsen, Rick (D-WA, 2nd)

    Larson, John B. (D-CT, 1st)

    Latham, Tom (R-IA, 4th)

    LaTourette, Steven C. (R-OH, 14th)

    Lee, Barbara (D-CA, 9th)

    Levin, Sander M. (D-MI, 12th) YES

    Lewis, Jerry (R-CA, 41st)

    Lewis, John (D-GA, 5th)

    Lewis, Ron (R-KY, 2nd)

    Linder, John (R-GA, 7th)

    Lipinski, Daniel (D-IL, 3rd)

    LoBiondo, Frank A. (R-NJ, 2nd)

    Loebsack, Dave (D-IA, 2nd)

    Lofgren, Zoe (D-CA, 16th)

    Lowey, Nita M. (D-NY, 18th)

    Lucas, Frank D. (R-OK, 3rd)

    Lungren, Daniel E. (R-CA, 3rd) YES

    Lynch, Stephen F. (D-MA, 9th)

    Mack, Connie IV (R-FL, 14th)

    Mahoney, Tim (D-FL, 16th)

    Maloney, Carolyn B. (D-NY, 14th)

    Manzullo, Donald (R-IL, 16th) NO

    Marchant, Kenny E. (R-TX, 24th) YES

    Markey, Edward J. (D-MA, 7th)

    Marshall, Jim (D-GA, 3rd)

    Matheson, Jim (D-UT, 2nd)

    Matsui, Doris O. (D-CA, 5th)

    McCarthy, Carolyn (D-NY, 4th)

    McCarthy, Kevin (R-CA, 22nd) YES

    McCaul, Michael (R-TX, 10th) YES

    McCollum, Betty (DFL-MN, 4th)

    McCotter, Thaddeus (R-MI, 11th) YES

    McCrery, Jim (R-LA, 4th) NO

    McDermott, Jim (D-WA, 7th)

    McGovern, James P. (D-MA, 3rd)

    McHenry, Patrick (R-NC, 10th) NO

    McHugh, John M. (R-NY, 23rd)

    McIntyre, Mike (D-NC, 7th) NO

    McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" (R-CA, 25th)

    McMorris, Cathy (R-WA, 5th)

    McNerney, Gerald (D-CA, 11th)

    McNulty, Michael R. (D-NY, 21st)

    Meehan, Martin T. (D-MA, 5th)

    Meek, Kendrick B. (D-FL, 17th)

    Meeks, Gregory W. (D-NY, 6th)

    Melancon, Charles J. (D-LA, 3rd)

    Mica, John L. (R-FL, 7th)

    Michaud, Mike (D-ME, 2nd)

    Millender-McDonald, Juanita (D-CA, 37th)

    Miller, Brad (D-NC, 13th) NO

    Miller, Candice S. (R-MI, 10th)

    Miller, Gary G. (R-CA, 42nd)

    Miller, George (D-CA, 7th)

    Miller, Jeff (R-FL, 1st)

    Mitchell, Harry E. (D-AZ, 5th)

    Mollohan, Alan B. (D-WV, 1st)

    Moore, Dennis (D-KS, 3rd) YES

    Moore, Gwendolynne S. (D-WI, 4th) NO

    Moran, James P. (D-VA, 8th) NO

    Moran, Jerry (R-KS, 1st)

    Murphy, Christopher S. (D-CT, 5th)

    Murphy, Patrick J. (D-PA, 8th)

    Murphy, Timothy F. (R-PA, 18th)

    Murtha, John P. (D-PA, 12th)

    Musgrave, Marilyn N. (R-CO, 4th) YES

    Myrick, Sue (R-NC, 9th) NO

    Nadler, Jerrold (D-NY, 8th)

    Napolitano, Grace Flores (D-CA, 38th)

    Neal, Richard E. (D-MA, 2nd)

    Neugebauer, Robert R. "Randy" (R-TX, 19th) YES

    Nunes, Devin (R-CA, 21st) YES

    Oberstar, James L. (DFL-MN, 8th)

    Obey, David (D-WI, 7th) NO

    Olver, John W. (D-MA, 1st)

    Ortiz, Solomon P. (D-TX, 27th)

    Pallone, Frank Jr. (D-NJ, 6th)

    Pascrell, William J. Jr. (D-NJ, 8th)

    Pastor, Ed (D-AZ, 4th) NO

    Paul, Ron (R-TX, 14th) YES

    Payne, Donald M. (D-NJ, 10th)

    Pearce, Steve (R-NM, 2nd)

    Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA, 8th)

    Pence, Mike (R-IN, 6th) YES

    Perlmutter, Edwin G. (D-CO, 7th)

    Peterson, Collin C. (DFL-MN, 7th)

    Peterson, John E. (R-PA, 5th) NO

    Petri, Thomas E. (R-WI, 6th) NO

    Pickering, Charles W. "Chip" Jr. (R-MS, 3rd)

    Pitts, Joseph R. (R-PA, 16th) YES

    Platts, Todd (R-PA, 19th) YES

    Poe, Ted (R-TX, 2nd) YES

    Pomeroy, Earl (D-ND, At Large)

    Porter, Jon Christopher Sr. (R-NV, 3rd)

    Price, David E. (D-NC, 4th) NO

    Price, Thomas E. (R-GA, 6th) YES

    Pryce, Deborah (R-OH, 15th)

    Putnam, Adam (R-FL, 12th) YES .doc list

    Radanovich, George (R-CA, 19th) NO

    Rahall, Nick (D-WV, 3rd)

    Ramstad, Jim (R-MN, 3rd)

    Rangel, Charles B. (D-NY, 15th) NO

    Regula, Ralph (R-OH, 16th)

    Rehberg, Dennis (R-MT, At Large) NO

    Reichert, David (R-WA, 8th)

    Renzi, Rick (R-AZ, 1st) NO

    Reyes, Silvestre (D-TX, 16th)

    Reynolds, Thomas M. (R-NY, 26th) YES

    Rodriguez, Ciro D. (D-TX, 23rd)

    Rogers, Harold (R-KY, 5th)

    Rogers, Mike (R-MI, 8th) YES

    Rogers, Mike D. (R-AL, 3rd)

    Rohrabacher, Dana (R-CA, 46th)

    Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL, 18th)

    Roskam, Peter J. (R-IL, 6th)

    Ross, Mike (D-AR, 4th) NO

    Rothman, Steven R. (D-NJ, 9th)

    Roybal-Allard, Lucille (D-CA, 34th)

    Royce, Ed (R-CA, 40th) YES

    Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch (D-MD, 2nd)

    Rush, Bobby L. (D-IL, 1st)

    Ryan, Paul (R-WI, 1st) YES .doc

    Ryan, Timothy J. (D-OH, 17th) NO

    Salazar, John T. (D-CO, 3rd)

    Sali, William T. (R-ID, 1st)

    Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA, 47th)

    Sarbanes, John (D-MD, 3rd)

    Saxton, Jim (R-NJ, 3rd)

    Schakowsky, Janice D. (D-IL, 9th)

    Schiff, Adam (D-CA, 29th)

    Schmidt, Jean (R-OH, 2nd)

    Schwartz, Allyson Y. (D-PA, 13th)

    Scott, David (D-GA, 13th)

    Scott, Robert C. (D-VA, 3rd)

    Sensenbrenner, Jim Jr. (R-WI, 5th)

    Serrano, José (D-NY, 16th)

    Sessions, Pete (R-TX, 32nd) YES

    Sestak, Joseph A. (D-PA, 7th)

    Shadegg, John (R-AZ, 3rd) Did not request earmarks

    Shays, Christopher (R-CT, 4th) YES

    Shea-Porter, Carol (D-NH, 1st)

    Sherman, Brad (D-CA, 27th)

    Shimkus, John M. (R-IL, 19th)

    Shuler, Heath (D-NC, 11th) NO

    Shuster, Bill (R-PA, 9th)

    Simpson, Mike (R-ID, 2nd)

    Sires, Albio (D-NJ, 13th)

    Skelton, Ike (D-MO, 4th) NO

    Slaughter, Louise M. (D-NY, 28th)

    Smith, Adam (D-WA, 9th)

    Smith, Adrian (R-NE, 3rd)

    Smith, Christopher H. (R-NJ, 4th) NO

    Smith, Lamar (R-TX, 21st) NO

    Snyder, Vic (D-AR, 2nd)

    Solis, Hilda L. (D-CA, 32nd)

    Souder, Mark (R-IN, 3rd) YES

    Space, Zachary T. (D-OH, 18th)

    Spratt, John M. Jr. (D-SC, 5th)

    Stark, Pete (D-CA, 13th)

    Stearns, Cliff (R-FL, 6th) YES

    Stupak, Bart (D-MI, 1st)

    Sullivan, John (R-OK, 1st)

    Sutton, Betty (D-OH, 13th)

    Sanchez, Linda (D-CA, 39th)

    Tancredo, Tom (R-CO, 6th) YES

    Tanner, John (D-TN, 8th) NO

    Tauscher, Ellen O. (D-CA, 10th)

    Taylor, Gene (D-MS, 4th) NO

    Terry, Lee (R-NE, 2nd) Did not request earmarks

    Thompson, Bennie G. (D-MS, 2nd) NO

    Thompson, Mike (D-CA, 1st)

    Thornberry, Mac (R-TX, 13th) YES

    Tiahrt, Todd (R-KS, 4th)

    Tiberi, Patrick J. (R-OH, 12th)

    Tierney, John F. (D-MA, 6th)

    Towns, Edolphus (D-NY, 10th) NO

    Turner, Michael (R-OH, 3rd)

    Udall, Mark (D-CO, 2nd)

    Udall, Tom (D-NM, 3rd)

    Upton, Fred (R-MI, 6th) NO

    Van Hollen, Chris Jr. (D-MD, 8th)

    Velázquez, Nydia M. (D-NY, 12th)

    Visclosky, Peter J. (D-IN, 1st)

    Walberg, Tim (R-MI, 7th) YES

    Walden, Greg (R-OR, 2nd)

    Walsh, James T. (R-NY, 25th)

    Walz, Timothy J. (DFL-MN, 1st)

    Wamp, Zach (R-TN, 3rd)

    Schultz, Debbie Wasserman (D-FL, 20th)

    Waters, Maxine (D-CA, 35th)

    Watson, Diane E. (D-CA, 33rd) NO

    Watt, Melvin L. (D-NC, 12th) NO

    Waxman, Henry A. (D-CA, 30th)

    Weiner, Anthony D. (D-NY, 9th)

    Welch, Peter (D-VT, At Large)

    Weldon, Dave (R-FL, 15th)

    Weller, Jerry (R-IL, 11th)

    Westmoreland, Lynn A. (R-GA, 8th)

    Wexler, Robert (D-FL, 19th)

    Whitfield, Ed (R-KY, 1st) NO

    Wicker, Roger F. (R-MS, 1st)

    Wilson, Charles A. (D-OH, 6th) NO

    Wilson, Heather (R-NM, 1st)

    Wilson, Joe (R-SC, 2nd) YES

    Wolf, Frank R. (R-VA, 10th)

    Woolsey, Lynn C. (D-CA, 6th)

    Wu, David (D-OR, 1st)

    Wynn, Albert R. (D-MD, 4th)

    Yarmuth, John (D-KY, 3rd)

    Young, C.W. Bill (R-FL, 10th) NO

    Young, Don (R-AK, At Large) NO

  2. #2
    JAK is offline
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    What do those who say "NO" have to hide???
    Please help save America for our children and grandchildren... they are counting on us. THEY DESERVE the goodness of AMERICA not to be given to those who are stealing our children's future! ... and a congress who works for THEM!
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
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    For those who don't know what earmarking is...........

    Earmarking is used for projects and spending directives large and small. The vast majority of earmarks are not controversial. However, some become controversial for their cost or the perceived frivolous nature of the project.

    In order to avoid the controversy of earmarking, many congressmen have begun using a process called phonemarking. A phonemark is a phone call that a member of congress places to a governmental agency advocating that governmental funds be used in a certain way. In this way the congress member avoids having his or her name attached to an earmark.

    For example, in 2005, $223 million was earmarked by Senate Committee on Appropriations chair Ted Stevens (R-AK), to construct a bridge nicknamed the Bridge to Nowhere, to connect an Alaskan town of 8,900 to an island of 50 inhabitants (saving a short ferry ride). In the ensuing uproar the earmark was removed, but the Alaska government apparently still has the authority to spend the funds on the bridge if it so chooses. Also in 2005, Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) earmarked $574 million for the state of Hawaii.

    Total earmarks for 2005: 15,000, costing $47 billion. The House Appropriations Committee receives about 35,000 individual spending requests per year.

    On January 5, 2007, the House of Representatives passed a rule requiring congressmen to attach their names to their earmarks and certify that they have no financial interest in the provisions. On January 16 the Senate passed a similar measure.

    On January 23, 2007, President George W. Bush, during his 2007 State of the Union address, declared his desire to remove the earmarking of federal spending in future budgets and urged congress to introduce a House Vote through a redesigned Line-item veto.

    On March 16, 2007, the New York Times reported that earmarks were still present under the new congressional leadership, but due to arcane definitional rules of the House were no longer known as "earmarks".

    On June 19, 2007, reported that there were 32,000 earmark requests pending in the House.

    On June 14, 2007, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said: "If I just might direct the record to another place. Why don’t we just leave this room today forgetting the word 'earmark'? This is legislatively directed spending, as opposed to executive spending." [1]

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Here is a quick letter that can be copied and pasted. We should do this.

    Dear Rep. XXXXXX:

    I am a registered voter and live in XXXXXX , XXXXXXXXX. I would like to join my voice with others who are requesting that all members of the House of Representatives provide a list of their requests for earmarks to the House Appropriations Committee.

    Transparency demands that these requests be made in the sunshine and it is a discredit to our state and it’s citizens to fail to do so.

    Please let me hear from you in this regard.

    Very truly yours,


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