Mexico never owned the southwestern states. These states where inhabited by the indians tribes, until the spanish conquered them, such as murdered them, and then stold the land. They took the land after they murdered these indians. The spanish had second dibs then they gave the land to their mestizos, mexican children, who had third dibs and then lost the land to American colonists. mexicans did NOT exsist before the spanish came. mexican history, is only 500 years old. The native tribes of what is now called mexico, did not live on what is now the southwest United States, there were American Indian tribes already settled on the southwestern states, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, belongs to the Indian tribes, not the mexicans.

Mestizos have lied over the years from relation to relation, that they have "RIGHTS" to this land of the southwest, and that the white people, Europeans stold this land. Their claims to the southwest are an insult to the AMERICAN indians. the American indians were on the land first, for thousands of years even before their was even a mexican.

The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed Feb 2, 1848, by the American diplomate Nicholas Trist, ended the war, and gave US undisputed control of Texas, established the US mexican border of the rio grande river, and ceded to the US California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Arizona, New mexico, Wyoming. Which all belong to the indian tribes, not anyone else. In return mexico recieved $15,000,000.00 million dollars for the land that was stolden from the indians, in which mexico murdered the indians. Along with the Europeans who also murdered the indians for this land. The 800,000 mexicans living in those areas were granted the same rights as the USA citizens. Violence and discrimination forced many of these mexicans off their land, which belongs to the indians, and when the border patrol was created, mexicans, were allowed freely move between the USA and mexico.