… But not the kind of change that Obama is clandestinely planning!

I think it is safe to say that everything I am listing here is what most Californians want in order to restore our beautiful state to its former prosperous, secure, natural, and productive glory. And as a Californian, I would hope that all of the other 49 states in our nation will want the same for themselves.

I know, I know… most of the rest of the nation thinks that we Californians are total nut cases and I can understand why they think that sometimes. I mean for example, where else but in California would a multi-ton snowplow be used to scrape off one-half of an inch of snowfall on the Pacific Coast Highway, as they did in Malibu last year? And this alone makes national news while the rest of the wintry nation was buried under tens of feet of snow! Things like that make the rest of the nation think we’re a bunch of kooks. Well, we have to have a little bit of humor, don’t we?

We Californians definitely are crazy; there’s absolutely no doubt about that! We’re crazy about our beloved state, we’re crazy about our country, and believe it or not, we’re crazy about all of the other 49 states in our great nation. After all, a good percentage of the population of California has come from other states. There must be something about California that attracts so many people. I’m from another state myself, but I’ve been here forty years now and consider myself a Californian to the very end. So I hope that others will join in here and add their thoughts about the changes that California needs. So now to the point:


We want our southern border secure so that those who are crossing it can prove to us that they are coming into this country legally and through the proper channels. We want to make sure that terrorists and those who would cause harm to our citizens are not able to penetrate our border and make their way north or to other parts of the country.

We want our streets to be safe. We want our citizens to be protected against criminals and gangs who penetrate our borders and murder our citizens or commit other violent acts such as rape and armed theft. We want our children to be safe in their neighborhoods and protected from random killings or kidnapping.

We want an end to Economic Vampirism. California loses tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of dollars per year to Mexico because revenues are not kept within the state but are drained south of the border by those who send it to their families without taxation. Taxing those transactions would at least give some revenue to our state but in reality, it should be stopped altogether.

We want our Productivity back. We want an end to the outsourcing of jobs to other nations when there is a vast pool of human resources of Californians who can perform those jobs efficiently and with integrity. We want our businesses back… the ones we have lost to other states or even to other nations because it had become too expensive to operate in our state; or else, we want new businesses to replace the ones that have left us and which are owned and operated by Californians and which employ Californians. We want our teenagers to learn productivity by being able to take weekend or after-school jobs that are so often filled by Illegal Aliens when those jobs could have gone to our own. We want businesses that are dedicated to the growth and productivity of our own citizens. We want our business and retail outlets to contract with Californian and other American businesses, not with businesses in countries that are considered to be Communist block countries.

We want our schools and colleges to be top-of-the-line again. We want a fair and comprehensive academic curriculum that offers a challenge to our students to learn and grow, not ones that pander to language differences and which promote anti-American rhetoric. We want our own citizens to have seats in classrooms without being pushed aside for Illegal Aliens. We want those citizens who have paid their taxes and who have supported our educational facilities to be able to send their children to our schools and colleges without being denied educational opportunities in favor of Illegal Aliens and their children.

We want our medical facilities well staffed and fully operative once again. The costs which Illegal Aliens have imposed upon our emergency medical facilities have been astronomical; and as a result, many medical service facilities have to close. Certainly, no human being; especially children, should ever be denied emergency treatment if needed, but an extended, continuous drain on our medical services does nothing but drive costs up and drives the medical services facilities into insolvency. As a result, our own citizens are having to bear the brunt of it all, either through escalating insurance rates, by unbridled abuse of insurance policies by medical institutions, or by losing local emergency and/or hospital facilities altogether. In regard to our medical facilities being well staffed, we refer to the fact that we want doctors, nurses and aides to be well trained enough to recognize correct pharmaceutical dosage, and who can carry out their duties without making life-threatening mistakes. That means doctors, nurses and aides who are fluent in English and who are documented and certified as having been properly trained for their positions.

We want our Senior Citizens to be able to remain in California. We don’t want them to leave in droves because they can no longer afford to live in our state. We want them to be able to have affordable housing that may be comfortably obtained and enjoyed with their own resources. They should not be denied housing because of escalating prices while anchor-babied welfare recipients and others who abuse the welfare system are able to move into subsidized apartments and houses on assistance from taxpayer dollars. Most senior citizens have worked all of their lives and their retirement plans and the Social Security which they have paid into should be only for themselves… and not part of a Global Welfare System.

We want elected officials in our state to think of California first. Democrats and Republicans! We want all of our Senators and Representatives in our national Congress to think of America first.

These are only some of the ways by which CALIFORNIA WANTS CHANGE. I hope that other Californians will add their thoughts to this post which can help to strengthen our cause of taking back California for Californians; taking back the individual states for the citizens of those states; and for taking back America for America.

All of us need to take action if we are to bring about the CHANGE that we, the Americans want for our individual states and for our nation. Californians want to take California back, but so does Mexico. That is why we must be ever vigilant in our quest to stop Illegal Immigration NOW. In California! In all of the individual United States! And in All of America!

God Bless Us All.