Do we have a list of candidates that should be supported? I really would hate for someone to trick us into supporting them and then find out they are pro Illegal Immigrant.

Minutemen Endorse Kaloogian
The leading anti-illegal immigration leaders and organizations this week got together and came out en masse to announce their support for Howard Kaloogian for Congress.

These immigration reform leaders recognized that given that this is the FIRST battle in the 2006 congressional election campaign - with the election taking place on April 11th - that it was important that a candidate win who was committed to securing our borders.

And they have agreed that candidate is Howard Kaloogian.

The co-founder of the national Minuteman Civil Defense Corps., Chris Simcox, has announced his endorsement of Howard Kaloogian.

The San Diego Minutemen endorsed Howard Kaloogian.

USA Border Alert endorsed Howard Kaloogian.

San Diego Border Alert endorsed Howard Kaloogian.

Leading immigration reform Blogger Allan Bartlett endorsed Howard Kaloogian.
These individuals and organizations join Ron Prince who co-authored the historic anti-illegal immigration Proposition 187.

This weekend Kaloogian also held a press conference at the U.S.-Mexico border to unveil a new proposal that would deny the Mexican government billions of dollars in improper revenue from illegal immigration.