
PROUD TO BE CHUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

call us wetbacks or beaners
que son puros ruidos
you can't calm us down
you can't keep us quiet
you pass H.R. 4437
I swear to god we will riot.
we may be humble
we may be poor
but go against our people
we won't hesitate to start civil war.
we may not have papers
but we still pay our taxes
without our feria
the (MOD EDIT) U.S collapses!
I call out to mi gente
to stick up for the brown,
you ain't kicking us out,
we're sticking around!!! ... 6532068377


Chunt Definition from the Urban dictionary

(N.) A short version of the word Chuntaro, meaning a Mexican ****** or being tacky, Mexican-Style.
(V.) pertaining to Chuntaro.