It's obvious that we are all upset by Senator Kyl's traitorous behavior, and we stiil don't know why he switched sides, but give this some thought for a moment.
When Senator Kyl was on Lou Dobbs, I think it was yesterday, he said something that has been bugging me. I pulled up the transcript and put part of it here for you guys to read. It almost gives one the sense he joined the enemy's camp to make sure this bill doesn't ever go through. Read what he said very carefully and see if you get the same sense I did, or would this be too good to be true?

DOBBS: As I've said before, senator, I've got the greatest respect for you. Your legislation scares the dickens out of me. In part because on the face, on the merits, but also because I know what your colleagues in the Senate and the House are capable of, what the Democrats are planning to do once this moves to conference and what this president ...

KYL: Well, it might not even move to conference, Lou.

DOBBS: I'm sorry.

KYL: It may not even move to conference. In other words, I have my own plans. We may make sure that -- if, in fact, it passes the Senate, that something in the form of a killer version does not pass the House or at least if it does, it's not taken up by the Senate. So we have some procedural ways of keeping this thing as close to the basic agreement that was reached as possible. (Kyl's face reddened here)

DOBBS: All right. Well, senator.

KYL: Trust but verify.

DOBBS: I'm going to start with verify and then I'll trust. How's that?

KYL: Watch us like a hawk. That's fair.

DOBBS: Don't you worry. Senator Kyl, thank you very much.

KYL: You bet, Lou.