June 3, 2009

Exclusive: Introducing America’s Most Forgotten: The Victims of Illegal Alien Crime
Carolyn Cooke

Are American lives worth nothing to the President and the Congress of the United States?

The citizens of United States have a serious problem. We have a government that no longer values the lives of the American people.

Citizens are being killed by illegal aliens in every region of this country in large numbers. Our President and most in the Congress are ignoring this preventable loss of life. These officials, elected to represent us, are not taking action to protect their fellow countrymen nor are they outraged. In fact, they refuse to secure the border and to enforce immigration law.

The inaction and silence of Barack Obama and the Congress make them culpable in the deaths of Americans of all ages and from all walks of life. They have the blood of the innocent victims on their hands as does a complicit news media.

America’s Most Forgotten will tell the stories of the individuals that have been sacrificed for open borders.

Nothing is more heartbreaking than a preventable death, yet the victims of illegal aliens and their families have been disregarded and forgotten. With the exception of a few cases, the reporting on an individual crime is limited to one or two local hometown media outlets with a short series of “just the facts, ma’amâ€