Recently, I have posted a lot of comments on Utube concerning illegal immigration mostly concerning Barrack Obama.I never use bad language or anything that can even be percieved by a normal person even as remotely racist.I even go out of my way not to mention any specific country or racial group.Utube screen pops up and tells me I had made accessive comments.I have had comment post disabled for comments ,some after even 2 hours after being introduced.Utube has videos that have obvious altered video and audio even one where Bush is saying he wants to slaughter people for oil.This video is still on and has thousands of comments that threaten people and use the nastiest language .Recently,someone posted a video from Bill Oreilly where he is hinting to Tony Snow that like the New YORK Times who went after MCcain, that he could end the media blackout of this Larry Sinclair lawsuit against Obama. and report the story as fact.All comments were quickly disabled by Utube.I have tried to get on Utube today and it will not come up.Any other wedsite comes on my high speed internet computer in seconds.can Utube blosk me from thier site?What do you think?