For all of those who have doubts that illegal aliens can be deported.......I will say yet again...

That ridiculous premise is exactly what so many Americans have been coerced into believing.

It is the basic principle of “spin tactics” to repeat the same thing over and over and over again.

Do it with authority and make it sound plausible and it will be accepted as truth.

If one is articulate and glib enough anything can be made to sound plausible.

No country in the world allows illegal trespass without penalty.

Name the developed countries that do not detain and deport illegal aliens.

Name the developed countries that do not penalize those who enter illegally and those who abet.

For Americans to be told that our immigration laws cannot be enforced, that corporations, businesses and individuals who break the law by employing illegal aliens cannot be prosecuted is ludicrous.
Consider the implications.

Anyone reading this has a computer and can research every word for themselves.

Start with the extremely stringent immigration policy in Mexico and this example.
A newspaper article in the San Antonio Express-News less than a year ago:

TULTITLAN, MEXICO - Dated Monday April 17, 2006
A state police officer fatally shot a local resident that he mistook for a Central American illegal immigrant during a raid on undocumented workers. The officer was disciplined but only because he mistakenly shot a legal immigrant.

Mexico does not tolerate or encourage illegal entry into their country.
These raids are a normal routine occurrence.
Illegal foreigners are expelled quickly and without fanfare.
The police are armed and they can and do fire their weapons.

Next... research the policies in all developed countries. Those not actively protecting their country are experiencing the same or worse problems.

Take the time and make the effort to form and base your opinions on actual facts that are more easily accessible to anyone with a computer.

This world is full of many unscrupulous individuals whose ability to acquire money and power and then to retain both, more often than not depends upon their ability to manipulate and direct public opinion....... Please, just sit quietly and think that over.

Americans ask “How could we have let this get so out of hand”?
Simple answer...We weren't consulted.

I don't think that the average American fully realized just how many illegal aliens were actually here until they marched and demanded.

The organizers of those Marches made several tactical errors. The marches to begin with were a mistake. A mistake for them but a WAKE-UP call for Americans.

The tone, the arrogance, the demands, the Mexican flag, the aggressiveness of the participants were all mistakes of judgement on their part.

Americans were suddenly made aware in such a jolting and offensive manner.
It was if we had discovered an intruder in our home who slapped us in the face and shoved us against the wall.
Americans reacted with shock, anger and outrage.

The organizers attempted to regroup and try another strategy.
They toned it down and replaced the Mexican flag with the American.


Americans had glimpsed the true attitude and character of the marchers.

Most Americans will never forget that moment.

Now the organizers and the marchers will go all out, no holds barred.

Our laws can be enforced and our border can be secured and defended because they must be.

If we cannot do these necessary requirements of any nation then we cannot remain a country for long.

Very few Americans have actually recognized the enormous, pervasive danger and peril to our country’s sovereignty. People must wake up before it truly is TOO LATE.

Thank God that the majority of Americans have sensed the danger and urgency without knowing exactly why.

Now somehow, we have to stop it.

If the American people do not stop this madness... This trashing of America.... then all is lost because there is no one else to do it!

What politicians, Global Corporations and the advocates of illegal aliens lack in substance and credibility, they make up for in obnoxious rhetoric that demands and implies that we are obligated to accept these illegal foreign nationals no matter what.

From the standpoint of the Third World Illegal Aliens... it is simple......
No rhyme or reason is necessary in their demands.

There is no shame, no sense of right or wrong in their consciousness.

It is just simply that WE HAVE and THEY WANT.

Americans have created America as something to be very proud of.
Others will always want what we have created.

There lies the paradox. For if those "Others" get what they want without restraint then, America will be destroyed.

We (America and Americans) are the objects of envy and hatred for so many in this world who would like nothing better than to overwhelm and destroy us from within.

The world has changed and no amount of politically correct rhetoric such as "immigrant nation" or any other catch phrase will change that.

What worked in our beginning and formative years with European immigrants will not work with an uncontrolled influx of legal and illegal immigrants from the Third World.

Our very survival now depends upon our ability to change and adapt to the world as it is now and to the hatred directed towards us.

We should not have to battle our own elected representatives in order to preserve our sovereignty, our culture and our way of life!

Big Business wants cheap labor to replace Americans for obvious reasons.

Politicians want financial backing from business interests and they want votes for re-election.
Big Business no longer means what it once did.

National Corporations are all but extinct...NOW it is Global Corporations!
Global means there is no allegiance to a country...especially America.

Replace and destroy from within....Simple and effective IF the government also cooperates.
Is that acceptable to you?

The HATRED from the Third World, which includes The Middle East and South American Countries, is so palpable and thick that one can almost taste it in the air.

AND YET... our borders are still not secured and our government allows 10-20 million illegal foreign nationals to remain unmolested in our country with no significant law enforcement to remove them or to punish those who aid and abet.
i.e. The corporate or individual employers, the politicians, Mexico, the Catholic Church, La Raza, Mecha, LULAC and the list goes on and on....

Millions more are allowed to stream, day in and day out, into our country unabated.


Legal immigration is also out of control.

Muslim and Third World immigrants are encouraged and subsidized by our own government.

These people receive financial, medical and educational assistance that is not readily available to American Citizens. ... WHY?

With few exceptions NO ONE is acting in the National interests... ..In American Interests.

Politicians, as usual and also with few exceptions, are acting in their own self-interest.

Why should they respect or listen to us when......Like a bunch of dolts, we keep electing and re-electing the same people.

Many of these politicians are American by birth only.

They move around from state to state for their own business and political expediency.

George W. Bush was born July 6, 1946 in New Haven, Conn. Attended Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts and Yale University. Arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol near his family's summer home in Kennebunkport, Maine. He pleaded guilty, was fined $150, and had his driver's license suspended until 1978 in Maine.

Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a U.S. Senator from Connecticut.

George H. W. Bush was born in Milton, Massachusetts on June 12, 1924.
George H. W. Attended Greenwich Country Day School in Greenwich and in 1936 Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.

Both Texas and Florida are used for political and business expediency by the Bush family and never forget their strong ties to Mexico. ... Money.. Power... Global Business.

John Ellis Bush was born in Midland, Texas, where his father was running an oil drilling company. He also attend Phillips Andover in Massachusetts.
When Jeb was 17, he went to León, Mexico teaching English.
Jeb attended the University of Texas at Austin and received a Bachelor's degree in Latin American Studies in 1973. He married Columba Gallo on February 23, 1974.

Hillary Rodham was born in Chicago. Then on to Arkansas with Bill.
From Arkansas to New York for political expediency....

None of those mentioned, as well as many others, are likely to let Patriotism interfere with their private, personal agenda for gain and power and re-election.

PUBLIC SERVANT is an oxymoron for these politicians....CAREER POLITICIAN is a synonym for arrogance and corruption.

We need Americans in Washington... Real honest to God Americans..... Ordinary, everyday, average Americans. An American who loves their country and values it above party politics.

We need to start cramming Political Correctness back down the throat of all who espouse it and the Media who help promote and perpetuate it.

We must, above all else, stop apologizing for who we are and what we and our ancestors have accomplished.

We have nothing to be ashamed of and those who would have us believe otherwise should be told to Take A Hike.

This country was not built or maintained by the Third World but it will be destroyed by it.

Keep allowing our country to be defined and forced to function as an Immigrant Nation and the end will come sooner rather than later.

Yet another critical question is.... Why do we allow elected or appointed officials to have dual citizenship?

It is plain old COMMON SENSE to define political access in order to protect the sovereignty and well-being of America and Americans.

Label it as Protectionism.... Nationalism or whatever.... but never think for a moment or ever allow any to convince you that such a stance is wrong.

What country on earth will survive and endure without National pride and the desire protect itself.

A country is quite simply a group of people with a common culture, society and goals.

Please let this nation use COMMON SENSE......In the National interest AND to avoid any possibility of conflict in loyalty, our elected or appointed government officials should be restricted to second generation natural born Americans. Good Lord! Our political system has enough corruption and loopholes already. Political correctness be damned!

The 14th amendment has been erroneously interpreted and misused to legalize children of illegal aliens.

Check Them out....The Attorney General of the United States of America is Alberto Gonzales an anchor baby. There are at least three others (probably more) with dual citizenship, Michael Chertoff, Department of Commerce honcho, Carlos Guttierrez and Cuban born Melquiades (Mel) Martinez the Republican Party General Chairman .

Americans should be outraged!

Replace and destroy from within...
It is time to either stop the madness or just give up and hand our country over....