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Alert! House bill proposes amnesty and new immigration increase.

Tell your Representative to oppose it!

Representatives Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) have introduced an expansive amnesty bill that gives citizenship to illegal aliens and creates a massive new worker program.

The legislation makes illegal aliens eligible for legalization if they arrived in the U.S. before June 1, 2006, pay a $2,000 fine, and pass a background check. Unlike the Senate bill passed last year, those leaving the U.S. would not have to go to their home countries, but could simply set foot in Canada or Mexico instead. There are even numerous exceptions to that minimal requirement.

Flake and Gutierrez have not only incorporated the AgJobs bill that creates a dedicated-worker program for the agricultural industry, but also created a new program that would admit an additional 400,000 low-skilled workers a year for other industries. These new workers would be free to change jobs and would be eligible for U.S. citizenship.

President Bush and other amnesty supporters want to rush legislation through Congress by summer before the election heats up and gives the public additional opportunity to oppose unpopular amnesty measures. If we flood Congress with letters, phone calls, faxes and e-mail, we might be able to derail this train.
(805) 564-6626info@capsweb.org
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