I would like everyone to post catch phrases and buzz words that are just nonsense. We need to stay on the ball, they change the name of something to throw us off track. I love how the word amnesty has evolved. It is truly the most fascinating of them all.

Tammperproof - 1) Can this be found in an English dictionary? 2) Does this imply it can not be copied or forged? 3) Is this the answer to end all document fraud and employment deception? 4) Can bake on a rock at the border and not curl up into a ball or put it into Enron's shredder and come out pristine? 5) Most definitely a false sense of security or effectiveness. 6) I demand proof it can not be tampered with! Show me the experiments and case studies! I bet a 2 year old can work a number on it. I rest my case.

Comprehensive Plan - A plan with amnesty, perks and forgiveness for illegal aliens. Ex. "I support a comprehensive plan" Translated: I support S2611.

Amnesty - Also see guest worker program, reuniting families, path to citizenship, roots... Usually preceding or following anything Bush says, "is not amnesty". Ex. "A guest worker program is not amnesty".

Pay close attention to S2611 supporters because they are really toying with vocabulary.

These are just a few I could think of. Help me out here!
