The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops devotes a considerable section of website information to "The Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform" They tell us:


"The labor, values, and beliefs of immigrants from throughout the world have transformed the United States from a loose group of colonies into one of the leading democracies in the world."

Before responding to this misleading statement, please read the following summary of what REALLY happened to "transform the United States from a loose group of (exclusively English) colonies" into a self-governing nation based on a representative democratic form of government unique at that time to the Western world!


"The Continental Congress was A CONVENTION OF DELEGATES from the THIRTEEN COLONIES that became THE GOVERNING BODY of the UNITED STATES during the American Revolution. The Congress met from 1774 to 1789 in three incantations. (caps mine)


"The First Continental Congress, which met briefly in Philadelphia in 1774, consisted of 56 delegates from twelve of the Thirteen Colonies that would become the United States.


"By the time the Second Continental Congress met in 1775, shooting in the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) had begun. ... (This) Congress established the Continental Army (June 1775), coordinated the war effort, ISSUED A DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in July 1776, and DESIGNED A NEW GOVERNMENT in the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, which were ratified in 1781. (caps mine)


"The ratification of the Articles of Confederation gave the Congress a new name: the CONGRESS OF THE CONFEDERATION, which met from 1781 to 1789. ... WHEN THE ARTICLES (of Confederation) were replaced by the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, the CONFEDERATION CONGRESS was superseded by the UNITED STATES CONGRESS. " (caps mine)

"From Wikipedia, the free encycopedia", August 23, 2008

The Catholic Bishops continue their


"Our common a faith that transcends borders...."

"This website is designed to help achieve the goals of the 'Justice for Immigrants' Campaign'. It provides tools and information for diocesan and community-based organizing, education, and advocacy efforts. You will find information about catholic teachings that underpin this Campaign, as well as proposals FROM THE CATHOLIC BISHOPS TO ACHIEVE REFORMS IN OUR NATION'S IMMIGRATION LAWS AND POLICIES that BETTER REFLECT OUR VALUES AS A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS."

With all due respect to all those who came here from all around the world to make outstanding contributions, the United States is, in fact, first and foremost a nation of former British colonists whose independence and self-govenment was based on a social contract between the government and the governed which was unique to Western World at that time!

The Bishops conclude:

"We encourage you to visit this site often, as we will be updating it frequently with resource materials, action alets, and other information we hope you will find useful."

Then they encourage people to:

"Contact Us:

"Justice for Immigrants: A Journey of Hope
"The Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform
(mailing address provided on site)

(202) 541-541-3224 Phone
(202) 722-8755 FAX

"Or email using this form"

Main website, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: ("Campaign for Immigration Reform" under "Social Justice, immigration")