CA Legislature $1.7 Billion Overbuget & San Francisco's MUNI Going Broke

Marc Chamot
SF Conservative Examiner
November 12, 2011

California Legislature Spent $1.7 Billion More than Budgeted & San Francisco's MUNI Bus Systems Going Broke & Want to Increase Taxes, While City’s Poorest/illegal’s Immigrants Get ‘FREE bus PASSES:’

Going Broke; According to the San Francisco Chronicle, California officials and their liberal cohorts cannot understand why the state has collected $1.5 billion less than anticipated. For October, just last month alone the shortfall added to a hefty $811 million.

It is projected that the state of California will have a shortfall of about 1 billion dollars for the year. So the state will raid the University of California and California State Universities out of $100 million.

Sacramento will also seek more cuts into Home Supportive Services for the handicapped and disabled. What makes this even worse folks; according to State Controller John chiang and the state has spent $1.7 billion dollars more than BUDGETED!

So, they’re talking about automatic triggers, making deeper CUTS into social services and cutting more help to the poor and EDUCATION. However, WE HEAR nothing about the escalating salaries, bankrupting pensions and gravy train deals of the state’s politicians, with their state employees and their Unions have.

This is another clear case of Tails Wagging the Dog tales; it’s IRONIC that California recently approved the California DREAM Act, to help illegal alien children get taxpayer financed, or public financing for their educations, and now the state wants to cut deeper into education!

Where’s the money for these poor illegal alien kids? Didn’t they think about it, before they venture into another costly entitlement for illegal immigrants? If that isn’t Liberal warped, then, I don’t know what is?

Do you all remember back in May 13th, 2010, when I did; San Francisco Orders Police to STOP Enforcing Rampant MUNI/BUS “Fare Cheats/Evaders;â€