Mary Jo Kilroy: Stuck on STUPID

Posted by Katie Trombly on May 1, 2014

Former Ohio Congresswoman Kilroy Lacks Understanding of US Court Structure but Hopes to be Elected to District Court of Appeals Anyway

Most Americans need either the Little Orphan Annie Decoder Ring or the Rosetta Stone to comprehend the enigmatic matrix that is the American Court System. Apparently, so does former Congresswoman and judicial candidate for Ohio’s Tenth District Court of Appeals, Mary Jo Kilroy. After reviewing Kilroy’s Facebook page and her campaign website, it’s evident that she may also need the ring or stone to decipher which judicial seat she aspires to fill.
According to Kilroy’s Facebook page, she endeavors to be elected, by the people residing in Franklin County Ohio, to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. As unlikely and unconstitutional as her goal may be, she certainly believes she has the qualifications to make it happen. Kilroy’s qualifications, which are highlighted on her campaign website, include “decades of legal experience, ” representing clients “at trial level and on appeal in both state and federal courts,” and “arguing appeals before the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States 6th Circuit Court of Appeals.”
Where does one start?

Why is Kilroy under the impression that she is campaigning to be elected to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals? Ohio is not even in the 10th Circuit! After earning law degree from Ohio State University and “practicing” law for 34 years, she should be well versed on differences between state and federal courts and understand that the citizens of Franklin County Ohio cannot elect her to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Moreover, the fact that Circuit Court seats are filled via Presidential nomination and Senate confirmation, not by winning a general election, should be in her repertoire of knowledge as well.

Kilroy’s claim that she argued before “the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States 6th Circuit Court of Appeals” is also rather curious considering she is not licensed to practice law in any of the states that fall within the jurisdiction of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Is she making an erroneous claim or simply revealing her negligent misunderstanding of how the U.S. Courts are structured?

It is understood that the integrity of the judiciary is contingent upon the degree of confidence citizens instill in the institution. Considering the job of an appellate court judge is ensure the procedural soundness of the lower court’s opinion, Kilroy’s careless errors are staggering. How are the people of Ohio to expect that she possesses the mental fortitude to competently evaluate the lower courts when she clearly does not have a solid grasp on the basic structure of the American court system?

Perhaps Kilroy will take the time to review her old textbooks once she determines which judicial seat she hopes to win in November. Perhaps, instead, she will double down on her current understanding of America’s judicial system and make plans to primary Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 2016.