This is a letter I just sent to Mr. Gheen.

Dear Mr. Gheen,

Something is rotten on President-Elect Obama's website,! Let me explain, please:

I have been keeping track of the immigration enforcement idea which ALIPAC pointed out at recently. The issue received many votes, topping over 1,100 the last time I looked which was in the evening on December 31, 2008. In fact, the enforcement idea on that website was, then, in second place and from what I could discern, it was still receiving votes.

I am also on a mailing list for the Immigration Solidarity Network ("ISN"), signing up under the belief that it is better to keep as close an eye as possible on the antics of the pro-amnesty crowd and this is one way to do it. At 8:31 p.m. on December 31, 2008, an email came to me from ISN, a letter from urging everyone to go to to vote for pro-illegal alien/amnesty ideas because "nativists" had taken over the issue. In support of their claim that "nativists" had "gotten hold of" the campaign, they provided a copy of ALIPAC's notice which had been sent out the day before. Please let me know if you would like me to forward this letter from NCLR and I will immediately do so.

As you know, the three "ideas" in different categories with the most votes would "win" as the top 10 ideas for America. Today, the enforcement idea is NOWHERE TO BE SEEN among the 3 winning ideas under Immigration! The current second place idea has only 1,011 votes, far behind the more than 1,100 votes the pro-enforcement idea had late on the evening of 12-31! Is there any way to investigate this and/or publicize the unscrupulous, deceitful behavior of NCLR and
