Why teach illegals how to take our jobs?

In response to "Change N.C. law" (Nov. 29 editorial):

Unfortunately, children often do suffer "for their parents' mistakes."

The very last thing we want is for these criminals to receive skills training at our expense so they can take jobs away from legal citizens.

If we stop bending over backward to make a wonderful life for these lawbreakers, many will go home on their own. Good riddance!

Sally Hughes, Charlotte

Will U.S. citizens be squeezed out?

Can the N.C. community college system ensure that not one legal resident will be displaced from enrollment or closed out of a class by the presence of illegal aliens?

N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper should explicitly order the community college system to stop this practice, and Gov. Easley needs to take a public stance against it.

Steve Bennett, Mooresville

Decision misrepresents open-door policy

The writer is chairman, N.C. Republican Party.

Taking admissions spots from N.C. citizens and giving them to illegal immigrants to maintain an open-door admissions policy is based on faulty logic and makes for even worse policy.

The open-door policy was created in part to guard against ethnic and racial discrimination in admissions. However, this is a question not of race but of law. Our tax dollars must not finance an educational system that encourages law breaking.

Linda Daves, Raleigh
