The thread about laid off Americans which is here:

has led me to ask THIS question. How many U.S. citizens are being forced, out of a need to work to answer to illegal aliens who might be their supervisors at their jobs?

I can imagine George W. Bush and others such as McCain, Huckabee, Lindsey Graham, Pelosi and Reid saying, "Okay, what's wrong with that?"

There's a LOT wrong with that. It is fundamentally wrong and pitiful if that is happening and you know that it is, due to the negligence and irresponsibility of the government (primarily the Bush government) to look out for their own citizens, and employers who REFUSE to follow and abide by U.S. labor laws.

I am sure that there are people who have been laid off who are in this predicament. They would not be U.S. citizens with much money or power of any kind, which makes it even worse, that the U.S. government would look the other way at this. The VERY people, who need the government to do their job of enforcing laws the most would be the ones who could most likely find themselves in this terrible, wrong and ILLEGAL situation.

Now can you imagine THAT?

Way to go, President Bush, way to go!

The poorest and most in need Americans are the easiest to take advantage of since you know they have little power to do anything about it, RIGHT?