As an informed voter, you understand the profound impact decisions made in the next session of the Texas Legislature will have on how Texas families - especially Latino families - raise their children.

At stake is the quality of our schools, the affordability of college, access to health care, and most importantly, jobs.

The Hispanic community is growing fast, but unless we turn out at the polls in equal numbers, we'll be denied an equal voice as decisions are made.

We know that your family and friends look to you for advice on important issues. Your opinion is respected. That's why we're extending this personal invitation to you to join us in the Hispanic Voter Project and help us spread the word about how important the 2010 election is to our families.

Last March the two us kicked off the Hispanic Voter Project in a Tele-Town Hall meeting, talking on the phone and over the internet to over 7000 Democratic voters. We shared ideas on what must be done to make sure our children have the necessary skills to compete in today's job market. As our Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor, Linda has been storming the state ever since raising awareness on these critical issues.

But we can't do it alone. Your leadership on helping spread the word as a member of the Hispanic Voter Project is needed- and it's needed today.

In the expectation we can count on you to join us un encouraging our friends and family to vote - and vote Democratic- you will be receiving information from us over the next couple of weeks.

Please take the time to share it with your friends and family. Woorking together, we'll move Texas in the right direction.

Henry Cisneros Linda Chavez-Thompson

P.S. To welcome you aboard, we've enclosed a photo of when we kicked off the Hispanic Vote Project. Thank you in advance for helping ensure our community's voice is heard on November 2.

(paid for by the Texas Democratic Party, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.)

Boy was I livid when I read this. Firstly....I AM NOT HISPANIC! I have an Hispanic last name. I have NEVER supported Hispanic agendas. I am also, NOT A DEMOCRAT.
And this is not the only thing I get in the mail like this. Because of my last name, the Hispanic world has decided that I am also Catholic. I get a lot of Catholic literature sent to me IN SPANISH. I have also been bestowed with free Hispanic magazines that come in the mail addressed to me. My husband who is Mexican American, born in the United States (LEGALLY BY THE WAY) doesn't get this kind of mail ever.