Below is a transcript from the December 1st Lou Dobbs show:

DOBBS: Today, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff promised action that he says will make it harder for employers to get away with those crimes against working Americans. And we're going to hold him to his word.

LISA SYLVESTER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): There may be laws against hiring illegal aliens, but it happens all the time. The business community has successfully lobbied against stiffer enforcement. But that may be changing.

Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff is looking at tightening employer restrictions.

MICHAEL CHERTOFF, HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: I can predict in the next weeks you're going to see a number of regulatory or policy changes that will be designed to do two things: make it easier for employers to verify employment, and -- but also say, if you don't verify employment, it's going to be a tougher punishment and quicker punishment.

SYLVESTER: Right now applicants submit proof of work eligibility using any number of documents, including a driver's license. An August report by the General Accountability Office found this form I-9 system ripe for fraud.

STEVEN CAMAROTA, CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES: No effort is really made to check against the national databases that exist, whether -- to indicate whether this person is legally allowed to work in the United States. So basically it's just paper sitting in a file at the personnel office of your employer.

SYLVESTER: A pilot program called SAVE allows employers to use government resources to verify workers are in the country legally. But it is voluntary. DHS is weighing whether it should be mandatory. It's part of broader immigration reform.

The federal government is also hiring a thousand new Border Patrol agents, adding more than 2,000 detention beds, and ending a program where illegal aliens are caught and released into the community. But the Bush administration is not supporting one initiative, building a fence along the length of the southern border.

CHERTOFF: We don't support a wall across the border. A wall across the border would be phenomenally expensive, it wouldn't be particularly effective. We would still need to back it up with a lot of technology and a lot of agents.

SYLVESTER: Secretary Chertoff, echoing President Bush this week, applauded the end of the catch and release program, illegal aliens caught or sent home without going through immigration proceedings. But what you don't hear about are the exceptions. This new policy applies only to illegal aliens caught within 100 miles of the border and those in the country two weeks or less -- Lou.

DOBBS: There is such a wonderful way about Washington, Lisa. I know you get to live it every day.

Any comment from the secretary of Homeland Security on the fact the secretary of Defense said that America can't defend its borders?

SYLVESTER: asked him that very question, as a matter of fact, Lou, and he said that it's something that they are aware of, it's one of the reasons why they're taking a look at these new initiatives. And he's hoping to get more help from the Defense Department to patrol along our borders, at least using some of their military technology -- Lou.

DOBBS: I love Washington speak.