Dear Senator _______,

I write this letter to you in disbelief of your recent action on the Senate Floor. This letter is in regards to the Vitter Amendment that you and the rest of the Democratic Party so blatantly voted down. How can you in the interest of National Security and as Lawmakers break the very ethics of the Laws that are in place to defend this Great Nation from Illegal Immigrants and possibly Terrorist.

You know that the overwhelming majority of Legal United States Citizens wanted to see that Amendment passed. Your disregard for the enforcement of the current laws and the road blocks you and entities like the ACLU are putting up in front of our Federal Enforcers can say only one thing. You as Democrats are loosing the support of the American Citizens and are looking for a new base of Voters. At this point, you don’t care if you have to break the current laws written to get that new base of voters. An even sadder fact is that you don’t care that your walking over the people who put you in the office you reside and pay your salaries. Your new voter base is not big enough to support you, and elections are not far off. I have been a Democrat for some time, but the shame I feel for the party at this time forces me to rethink my Party Affiliation. If your not going to look out for the Majority of people here in the United States I will move to a party that will. It looks to the most casual of observer that you as Democrats will leave, in this Country, the Illegal Lawbreakers and put the General Public in harms way all in the interest of the Victims. This is the most Ignorant case of misguided thinking we as Taxpaying Voters have seen to date. If these Illegal Immigrant Lawbreakers were deported, they would not be able to perpetrate the crimes on the innocent victims. You as The Senate feel like it’s your duty to Keep these Illegal Lawbreakers on the streets so they can be brought to justice? Idiocy is the only word I can think of to fit your way of thinking.

With your recent Table of the Vitter Amendment comes a NO vote for you as a Political Representative. You spoke in the Senate but We The People will speak through our votes for the disregard you have for the Legal United States Citizens of this Country. We are tired of watching you circumvent and twist this system to fit your needs instead of representing your Constituents and our needs. At this point, we can only hope that President Bush will VETO this travesty of legislation so it will have to go back to the drawing board.

Disappointed Voter,

This is a letter I am going to start sending Every Senator that voted to table the Vitter Amendment. We need to bombard these self serving Senators with letters like this one with every means we have. Lets take the fight to them. Remember the only time your beaten is when you give up.