NOTE: Only ONE post per person in this thread.


We all watched as President George Bush clearly used his position to deploy the national guard to push his AMNESTY (aka Temporary Worker) program.

He did not send the guard when the reports came in about the Mexican military incursions.

He did not send the guard when word came in that the drug cartels, that are importing the illegals, were opening fire on our Border Patrol agents.

He did not send the guard when the border Sheriff's reported that deputies and their families were now being threatened by the drug/human slave importing cartels.

Nope, he has sent the National Guard to do paperwork since his Amnesty legislation is failing to pass.

We have a President with a 29% approval rating pushing legislation that is only supported by 13% of the American population according to professional national polls.

Of course his credibility on this issue is already in the gutter, but he has made two dire mistakes!

One, by attempting to placate both America's citizens Vs. the US Chamber of Commerce and the illegal aliens, he has angered both sides!

Second, he skillfully lied throughout his speech. He claimed that illegal immigrants were beyond the reach of US law? That some people wanted every last illegal alien deported and anything less is considered amnesty? That is just the beginning of the deceptive comment list in his speech.

To top things off, he looked like Rodney King making his "Can't we all get along" speech after the riots broke out in LA. He was mechanical and kept mispronouncing words throughout the speech. This President was playing deep defense last night. His admission of our Catch and Release policies was a the confession of a national disgrace.

And then we have what he did not say. He did not tell illegal aliens to stop coming. He did not tell illegal aliens in the US to leave.

The truth behind all of the other issues is that we not only have an illegal immigration crisis in America. We have a Constitutional Crisis.

The message we all wanted to hear from President Bush was "I have decided I will start doing my job today, honor my oath of office and constitutional duties by enforcing our existing immigration laws."

The existing laws have already been debated, vote on, and signed by acting Presidents. These laws are supported by over 4 of 5 Americans. Our problem is non-enforcement of these laws and that responsibility belongs to President George Bush.

Regardless of your particular view of this issue... Even if you disagree with the the stance of ALIPAC and favor amnesty... Everyone must recognize that our entire form of governance that has been revered by the world for hundreds of years is now in jeopardy.

Our Republic may have already fallen for it appears that our government has been hijacked by financial interests and corporations.

Those that support the President's plan, open borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, S. 2611 are supporting the usurpation of the American Republic, the betrayal of the American public, and the overthrow of the principles, laws, and American way of life that our families have fought and died for.

William Gheen
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC.