Letter: Great way to confront illegal immigration
— one ticket at a time

tcpalm.com (FL)
Michael Carr, Stuart
Posted December 11, 2011 at 4 a.m.

Michael Carr, Stuart

Letter: Great way to confront illegal immigration — one ticket at a time

My compliments to Martin County Sheriff Robert Crowder and his deputies for providing a more-than-usual number of deputies in the Golden Gate area.

With the very high number of residents driving with no licenses, it's refreshing to see the drivers being stopped for brake-light and seat-belt violations.

After being stopped for no license a second or third time, some of them are now being detained for deportation back to their country to get in line like the folks trying to come here legally.

I'm sure with the deportation of the breadwinner, the hope is the rest of the family will follow.

Sadly, this is not always the case, as the deportee is often back in the U.S.A. before the plane has even returned from the country he was returned to.

http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2011/dec/11/ ... artner=RSS