Congress Nurtures Problems
Until They Bloom into Crises

by Nathan J. Muller
For the Cause - forthecause.us
http://www.forthecause.us/ftc-n-muller- ... pact.shtml

Regardless of which political party is in control of Congress, problems seem to be nurtured rather than solved. The reason is that the problems themselves are used by each party as weapons with which they hope to bludgeon each other at election time. If this results in a crisis of one kind or another, politicians can deftly point the finger at colleagues across the aisle. The worst thing isn't that we have numerous crises to deal with that have come to a head all at once, making them more difficult and expensive to deal with, but that they are now jumping across "crisis" boundaries like some kind of virulent bird flu, in the process becoming resistent to any kind of solution.

Regardless of which political party is in control of Congress, problems seem to be nurtured rather than solved. The reason is that the problems themselves are used by each party as weapons with which they hope to bludgeon each other in the next election.

The parties today have come to see their success as dependant on stopping the other from implementing any solution, regardless of its merits. If this results in a crisis of one kind or another, politicians can deftly point the finger at colleagues across the aisle.

The folks back home, none the wiser, can be counted upon to pick up the cudgel and participate in the melee of accusations and blame. The result is that everyone's attention gets misdirected until the country is divided on every issue and the people gather in the streets to spew hate at one other. Problems that began as mere scabs are allowed to fester into bulbous pustules ready to pop.

For decades, our elected officials have watched these problems grow and fester, and even nurtured them as they blossomed into genuine crises. With the nation now buckling under extreme stress, there is still no urgency to develop and implement solutions.

"We don't need a Democratic congress or a Republican congress; we need an American congress."
-- Patrick J. Buchanan


In addition to the education and immigration crises, there is a border security crisis, healthcare crisis, economic crisis, social security crisis, energy crisis, the trade deficit crisis, and the long term debt crisis, just to name a few.

The worst thing isn't that all these crises have come to a head all at once, making them more difficult and expensive to deal with, but that they are now jumping across boundaries like some kind of virulent bird flu, in the process building up immunity to any kind of solution.

Look at what's happening in Colorado, where policies have made the state home to the fastest growing illegal alien populations in the country, a situation that is putting enormous pressure on the Denver school district, where Hispanic students are dropping out of public schools in record numbers. The high school graduation rate among Latinos is only 56 percent.

Without an adequate tax base to pay for more schools and teachers, students are forced to attend large overcrowded schools that are understaffed and underfunded. Feeling disconnected, overstressed and pressured by peers, it's easy for many students to drop out.

But the lack of education among so many young people will keep them in a state of chronic joblessness and insurmountable poverty that will one day erupt into social unrest on a massive scale, threatening our nation's economy and security.

The convergence of several individual crises into a tightly interwoven super-crisis creates a cancerous growth that is immune to solution. In fact, treating just one problem can actually feed the others.

Building more schools to create a better learning environment for all students further taxes an already overburdened middle class. Better schools would attract more illegal aliens into the community, which would refuel the education crisis and again cause the taxes to be raised. Eventually, middle class taxpayers will have had enough and move out of the community, which resets the crisis back to square one.

This scenario is being played out in communities all over the country… from Arizona and California to Chicago and New York. It is a stark reminder of how miserably our elected officials have failed us in so many ways.

We could decide to end this education crisis by controlling immigration. But our politicians have allowed illegal aliens into our country for so long that Hispanic groups now view it as a human right, and that to single them out for being here illegally is just racism plain and simple.

Protests, demonstrations and boycotts have our politicians so unnerved that many are joining in to show solidarity and, of course, pander for votes. This fuels not only the immigration crisis, but the education crisis, the healthcare crisis, jobs crises, and the social security crisis -- all of which plunges the nation deeper into chaos.

There's only one way we can break through this horrific situation before it fragments our country beyond the point of salvage -- vote incumbents out of office in November. Not every incumbent, of course, just the vast majority of them who consistently vote against the interests of the American people or who view hard issues as ammo for the next election cycle.

This strategy would leave 15% of House members, including Tancredo, Sensenbrenner and Rohrabacher in play, but take out hundreds of others who are either in the pockets of special interest groups or are so conflicted about every issue that they strive to be all things to all people, thereby perpetuating crises.

Only a third of the Senate is up for re-election in November, but watch out for the ones who favor "comprehensive" solutions, especially with respect to immigration reform. Normally, comprehensive solutions would be what's needed to bring about desired change, but the term has been deviously co-opted by those who want a plausible excuse to subvert the will of the American people.

Just consider the benefits of wielding your scalpel in November to "dis-member" Congress…

It will puncture the long-cultivated relationships of special interests, leveling the playing field for the rest of us.

It will topple power bases that are used to intimidate members into supporting half-baked ideas, dubious deals and shady practices.

It will introduce the element of uncertainty into building lifetime tenures in office and the inertia it breeds.

It will re-energize Congress with an infusion of new ideas and motivate performance among members, changing the collective attitude from "won't do" to "will do."

Best of all, it will re-calibrate Congress back to its proper role as a separate branch of government with unique responsibilities that are not handed off to the executive branch out of convenience.
Congress should not be a place where people go to retire; it should be a sacred place where patriotic Americans take their turn sacrificing their personal interests for the interests of their country. And that means leaving before getting slothful, corpulent, red-nosed, or rich. Far too many will require a push out the door in November.

Postscript: We don't just talk a good game, we are politically active and we know how to get results. Read about our year-long involvement in helping to implement regime change in Herndon, Virginia with other groups, including the Herndon Minutemen and HelpSaveHerndon.