Friends of ALIPAC:

The question has been raised several times about either Congressional investigations or impeachment proceedings against George Bush for his actions and in-actions regarding illegal immigration.

Our organization has not taken such a stand, but perhaps it is time to give these matters deeper consideration now that the Bush administration and the elite financial influences that have such sway over the Senate are about to attempt an amnesty for over 10 million illegal aliens they let into the country in the first place.

If our organization and many others called for hearings or impeachment then the press would take a high level of interest in the event. It would send a very loud message to Bush prior to the Guest Worker votes.

If we were to support such a resolution, it would need to be supported by a strong majority of ALIPAC supporters and allied organizations.

It would read something like... (not actual wording, just an example)

Whereas, the US Border Patrol has been ordered to only catch and release illegal aliens crossing our Southern border and..

Whereas, the executive branch has ordered that almost all fines against employers for hiring illegal labor be suspended and...

Whereas, America's borders have been left open and exposed during a time of war and...

Whereas, monetary interests are exerting their influence to establish an amnesty Guest Worker program that is not supported by the public...

Whereas, these policies and considerations have led to massive illegal immigration unprecedented in America's modern history and..

Whereas, protection from invasion is enumerated in the Constitution and...

Therefore resolved ... Immediate Congressional Hearings... and or Immediate impeachment proceedings... George Bush...


Here are the rules.

1. You can only vote once in the poll above this discussion.

2. You may only post one response in this discussion and your response should be limited to less than 250 words.

3. Do not respond to this discussion or the poll unless you are well informed about these issues.

4. Remember that others may read your post prior to voting.

We will run a test here on the boards and perhaps open the discussion to our national list depending on how it goes.

5. No ALIPAC Executive officers will vote in the poll.