Here is the response I recieved from my Congressman. Genuine or no?

Dear Zach,

Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns about immigration

Our country has a long tradition of welcoming immigrants, who over many
generations have woven the diverse tapestry that is our unique American
culture. However, I certainly understand that heightened concerns
about domestic security and strains on America's systems of health and
education have caused many Americans to be concerned about the enforcement
of our immigration laws.

I believe that we must stop illegal immigration. Our immigration laws
should be enforced fairly without infringing on the rights of those who
have followed the law and entered our country legally. I will
certainly keep your views in mind as Congress considers proposals that affect
immigration policy.

Again, I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with me
on this important matter. Please let me know whenever I may be of


Chris Van Hollen
Member of Congress

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