by David Bossie 6 Dec 2014, 7:54 AM PDT

The Republican leadership in the U.S. House decided to let the fight over President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty to slide until next year when there’s a Republican majority in the U.S. Senate to help the cause. That sounds reasonable in theory, but will it make a difference? Quite frankly, I’m worried about it.

I’m fine with sounding like a broken record, so I’ll say it again, and I’ll continue to say it because I believe it to my core. Citizens United’s 500,000 conservative grassroots members and supporters nationwide believe it as well. When will Republicans in Congress finally stand up to this out of control liberal chief executive in the White House and defend the Constitution? I’m concerned we’re once again watching the can being kicked down the road at the expense of our sacred constitutional principles and system of checks and balances.

Conservatives will never forget the illegal Obama amnesty. In fact, the Obama amnesty will become a rallying cry just like Obamacare continues to be. Conservatives continue to help elect Republican Members of Congress across the country because these candidates promise to fight Obama on critical issues like illegal immigration. It’s time for these Representatives and Senators to make good on a central campaign promise. It’s time for real results!

On Thursday, House Republicans passed a toothless bill to voice their discontent with Obama’s illegal amnesty executive order. While this rebuke is decent optics and buys some time, it does absolutely nothing to actually help fix the disaster that Obama unilaterally created. The measure passed on highly partisan lines; however one of the five Republicans who voted against the bill was Rep. Marlin Stutzman of Indiana, who stated, “I am afraid it is nothing more than a symbolic gesture at best and does little to prevent the president’s dangerous action from being put into place. I strongly believe Congress should continue to listen to our constituents and find meaningful ways to stop it.”

I fully support this statement by Congressman Stutzman and wonder why every Member of Congress – supposedly in office to defend their co-equal branch of government – isn’t saying the same thing.

President Obama’s illegal amnesty executive order must never be forgotten. All politicians (from either party) who turn a blind eye to this blatant abuse of power must be held accountable.