As a reader, what do you know about House Joint Resolution 19? It is a joint bill before Congress to change the Constitution and establish English as the official language of the United States. There are many states which have made English their official language.

Now, what do you know about House Concurrent Resolution 11, the English-Plus Resolution? This is the bill sponsored by New York Rep. Jose Serrano, referred to as the English Replacement Act. What does this tell you, other than it has something to do with English? In reality Rep. Serrano’s bill’s intent is to make it illegal for English to be America’s official language. I don’t know what your reaction is, but my initial reaction was utter disbelief any American citizen would even consider such a bill.

You can contact your senator or representative and let him/her know of your concern. Use the congressional switchboard at 202-225-3121 and ask for your senator’s or representative’s office.