Corker Comments on Upcoming Cloture Vote on Immigration Bill
from the Office of Senator Bob Corker

Friday, June 22, 2007

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Anticipating a cloture vote on the immigration bill on Tuesday, U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) today made the following comments:

“I plan to vote against cloture on the immigration bill, as I have already done twice during this debate. I believe a better approach would be a more modest bill that focuses on border security, employer identification, and putting systems in place that will put us in a position to actually enforce a new immigration policy.

“We have lost credibility in Washington on this issue, and I think before the American people will really ever get behind an immigration policy, they're going to have to feel that Washington is truly going to follow through on what it says, especially in terms of securing our border."

Also spoke to a DC staffer on the phone and was told this verbally as well.