I got this in e mail just now.

Dear Friends,

Bay is in Ohio today, but wanted to make sure I
let you know the latest in
the Senate's immigration debate. First of all,
there is no unity among
the Senators and their individual proposals.
This is great news for us!
Senator Sessions has emerged as the leader in the
stand for enforcement,
with Senator Grassley close behind. Yesterday,
the Senators got off
track, with most of the talk focusing on their
ancestors immigrating to
America. Sessions joined in with an interesting
point about himself. From
the Washington Post -

"My great-great-great-great-grandfather was an
immigrant, I'm proud to
say," offered Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.). "The
last one got here about

"Did they miss the Civil War, Senator?" Specter

"Lincoln killed one of them at Antietam," the
senator from Alabama rejoined.

Other interesting highlights: Grassley clarified
Specter's plan as "a
wink and a nod to amnesty" for illegals. "If it
looks acts and smells like
amnesty then it is amnesty."

Thank these two Senators and encourage them to
keep up the fight. Senator
Sessions' office: 202-224-4124; Senator
Grassley's office: 202-224-3744.

Thank you for all you have done these last weeks
to fight against amnesty.
We will continue to update our website and send
out more emails as new
information emerges!

And don't forget, if you are in OH or PA stop by
and meet with Bay as she
continues the tour.


Bay's Assistant