Letters To Leaders

All messages are published with permission of the sender. The general topic of this message is Gov't Operations:

U.S. Borders

President George Bush

April 10, 2006

Dear President Bush:

I have always been a republican and my son who is 18 years old is one also. WE ARE IN FULL AGREEMENT IN THE WAY YOU HAVE RUN OUR COUNTRY. I think that you have done an excellent job as well as your father.

I think that we should be more strict with our borders and the immigration issues. I am a Cuban by birth, but have lived in the US since I was 8 years old. I am even speaking about my fellow Cubans (the new generation) coming here. They are not representative of what a true Cuban is. Their mentality and way of seeing things differ from the Cubans that came over in 1959 to 1965.

Sometimes because of the reputation that this new breed of Cubans that Fidel Castro has created I feel ashamed to say where I come from. I have dealt with a lot of other nationality in my place of employment and they just come here to the States to enjoy all our free benefits. When you speak with them they know more about all the freebies then someone like me who have worked since I was 17 years old and have achieved what I have through hard work and being a law abiding citizen.

My father, who passed away in 1999 was very much involved with the revolution. He died without seeing that murderer and thief get what he deserves. But my son and nephew did promise their grandfather before he died to spit on his grave, no matter where he is buried or where his ashes might be kept. Which will probably be in La Coruna, Spain. he owns almost half of the town there.

We cannot let in people that come to this country only to suck us dried of our generous government programs which should be going to people who really have earned them. My father never received any kind of assistance from the government even thought he left Cuba with only $5.00 in his pocket. He worked two to three jobs to maintain his family. He taught us to be proud and be hard working people. These are the kind of Cubans that the US got in the early part of the revolution, Not the low class of individuals that are coming over, all they know to do is "deal in the black-market" and then come here expecting to be given everything because of their struggle, what struggle? They enjoyed Fidel's government until the end.

I have had the pleasure of dealing with South Americans and Mexicans and other immigrants that have entered our country. I t hurts me to say that most of them are here on government programs and still criticize the US on a daily basis. They are criticizing the hand that is feeding them. Well why don't they go back to where they came from .

I am ashamed to say that 90% of people on government programs play with the loopholes in each government entity. My office is located where they have the Housing Dept. in Miami Dade County. I could not believe my eyes to see how these people come to get government assistance and they are driving brand new cars. I see young ladies 20 to 30 years old, come into the building each with 3 to 4 kids tagging along and full of gold teeth and jewelry, but they are receiving assistance from the government for rent. In some cases, getting a 4 bedroom house for only $150.00 a month and the government paying the remainder $1350.00 rent due. This burns my insides. I have worked two jobs not to lose my home. Something has to be done to put a stop on this. Most of them are getting away with it because the people working in these departments do not do a thorough job in doing their research. THEY JUST DON'T CARE, THEY GET PAID A SALARY AND GO HOME. ALSO SOME OF THESE PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH THESE TYPE OF ASSISTANCE BECAUSE OF KNOWLEDGE FROM PEOPLE WORKING IN THESE TYPE OF DEPARTMENTS. I have heard these type of comments in the elevator from some of them and they do not care who is hearing them.

But, Mr. President, we need to stop this. We, the American citizens who pay taxes are the victims in this case. Again, please close those doors unless they are politically being prosecuted and their lives are at stake. Believe me you are not going to find too many with this type of case scenario. Their main reason for coming is financial, not political nor religious.

Mr. President, thank you for giving me this opportunity to vent out my frustration and anguish. Please count on me to be of help with anything that you might think I can help with. AGAIN, YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB AND YOU HAVE MY ENTIRE FAMILY SUPPORTING YOU.

With all our love to you and your entire family,

http://www.congress.org/congressorg/bio ... =684686741

Can you imagine the amount of $$$ we are willy nilly handing over to illegals?